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#OUTNOW: ‘Midnight Sketches (EP)’ by Luke Tangerine

‘Midnight Sketches’ by Luke Tangerine Luke Tangerine starts the year 2025 with chilled, funky Latin jazz vibes and takes us on a musical journey to South America. For some listeners, it will be like an expedition reminiscent of the gold seekers of old, only this time, you're guaranteed to stumble upon precious metal. The hoped-for successful search or result is assured in acoustic form. ‘Midnight Sketches’ contains four songs that, as is typical with Mr. Tangerine, display a perfection in their arrangements. The power and sound of the instruments create an environment for the sound story where the attention to detail reaches new heights.   It begins with ‘Ticket to Belo Horizonte,’ which, for me, still sounds a little European at the start but soon metaphorically sets off for Brazil to absorb the emotions there, acquainting us with the fiery passion of the perhaps previously unknown. With ‘Coffee Break with Jaco,’ we take a short pause to acclimate to the new surroundings and ...
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: Graham Davy - "Fear"


Graham Davy sind das Songwriting-Duo Patrick O'Keeffe (Gesang, Gitarre und Tasten) und David Ruth (Bass und Backing-Gesang).  Ihr Stil basiert auf einer Vielzahl von Einflüssen wie Tame Impala, Blur, David Bowie und The Doors, um nur einige zu nennen. Heute erscheint ihre dritte Single "Fear". Der Song entstand aus den Schreibsessions von Patrick O’Keeffe in seinem Heimstudio. Patrick hat viele, viele Stunden damit verbracht, Musik als Ausgangsbasis zu nutzen, um ein Gleichgewicht zu finden. Und das Resultat ist dieser mehr als gelungene Track. 

Who inspired you to make music?

Neither of us are from musical families but we were both drawn to it. It's such a pure art form. For expression and accessibility. It lends itself to the full spectrum of emotion both ways. We're just delighted to have the chance to share our songs with anyone who would like to hear them. 

What was your inspiration for "Fear"?

It came out of the upbeat feeling you get on the way out of a down swing.

What is your creative process like?

We use a digital drum pedal to set the tempo and feel for the song. Then we put a harmonic line down,  and try to find where it wants to go for a B/C section. Then we improvise vocals listening back to the track. Lyrics can come before or during this process, and are polished afterwards. When we write we try not to repeat the same phrase more than twice to keep the piece ticking along. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Paddy would most like to collaborate with Damon Albarn and Graham Coxon, but individually Dave would like to collaborate with Tame Impala and Sorcha Richardson collectively 

What is the most useful talent you have?

The drive to stick at something that we want to do. 

...and of course your most useless talent is?

We both misspent many hours playing snooker. 

What can we expect from you this year?

We are working on material for our first album. We hope to tour these songs around Ireland towards the end of 2021 

How do you feel the Internet (especially Social Media platforms) has impacted the music business?

It's great to be able to share music with a global audience so easily Not so great that people don't buy records...

"Graham Davy" is there a story behind the name? 

We are named after our 2 sons who passed away very young. It's something we have in common, that no one wants to have, So we decided to try and make something positive out of it. 


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