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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 8.Mar.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 When the Light Falls and the Bear Sleeps Emaline Delapaix 2 The Albatross Song (Mellow Like) E.G. Phillips 3 Ipanema Rendezvous Luke Tangerine, Kate Pending 4 Out Of Time Cadenti 5 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 6 Paper Boat Klinsmann 7 Echoes of Yesterday Andy Korg 8 Alone John Consalvo 9 Zu Hause TEYNA, The decaffeinated Sloth 10 National Hero Televised Mind 11  Inflatable e-Doll - Part One Carlos Ucedda 12  Take Me Home Eva Hillered 13  Hidden Talents Neon Radiation 14  Die Alive Shakkalo 15  I Wish Humans Were Made in a Factory... Zachary Mason 16  Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 17  Walls - Radio Edit Frank Joshua 18  blood & lilac Adeline V. Lopez 19  KaDeWe LINA RE$A 20 Retrospace - Rogue FX Remix Bending Grid, Jolie, Rogue FX
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: The Midnight River Crew - "Perfect Strangers"


Perfect Strangers

"Perfect Strangers" im Genre des Indie Pop/Rock angesiedelt, ist jedoch viel mehr als nur ein weiterer Indietrack. Der Song startet mit einer zeitlosen Melodie und wird durch den Einsatz von Isabella Coulstock auf die nächste Ebene gehoben, wo sie von einem Hauch Traurigkeit begleitet wird, im nächsten Moment geht es dann Richtung Mark Johnson der das perfekte Gegenüber bildet. Beide gemeinsam steigern noch einmal das Ganze im bestens arrangierten Refrain. So we have to say Achtung: Here comes Mark Johnson, not only perfect but also amazing and great.

The Interview

Mark Johnson respectively "The Midnight River Crew" is ...?

The MRC is an invited ensemble of musicians that gather to record my songs. We take each song separately and treat it as an individual piece. Working on them one at a time. I work out in advance which instruments and arrangement of voices that are needed to suit each song, and send those selected musicians a home demo for guidance. I also rehearse the songs with them individually before the recording session. Long standing Producer, Paul Midcalf is key to achieving the great sounds that work for us in the studio.

What or who inspired you to write and record "Perfect Strangers"?

The song 'Perfect Strangers' initially came about after I saw a TV documentary about George Michael. Featuring a live performance of George at the historic Palais Garnier Opera House in Paris. It was broadcast just after he died and was deeply affecting. After seeing this broadcast, I set out to write a song in his style.

Is there a story behind "using" a violin as lead instrument? 

The Indie world of music is, at least to my ears, currently oversaturated with guitar bands. Although I do write the material on an acoustic guitar, The MRC are not a guitar band per se.

We are, in the current incarnation, a melodic pop band, acknowledging certain Country and Folk stylings, by utilising the violin as our lead/main instrument. At the time of writing, our Fiddle player Judith Hillier has plans to move away from our area. So I am now looking for a new Violin player for our upcoming sessions.

How was it to work with Isabella Coulstock?

I first became aware of Isabella through Al Drake-Brockman who worked as a sound engineer at The Grey Lady, a live music venue in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK. Isabella and I had both played there but not at the same time.

I was working with writer and broadcaster Robin Nixon on a song cycle of songs and spoken word poetry called 'Fair Game'. I needed a female voice for one of the songs on 'Fare Game' called 'Fragments'. I contacted Isabella through our mutual connection Al. She came into the studio and sang it beautifully.

Isabella is now developing her own solo career. She is very adaptable and enthusiastic in the studio. And brings with her a lot of great arrangement ideas.

Following that, I had a song written that I set aside for future recording. I redrafted this song and rearranged it for a Male/Female vocal duet with a country waltz flavour. Isabella is a big fan of country music so I sent her a demo and she agreed to do it. We then recorded this track 'The Night Still Falls' with Paul Midcalf producing. The results were very good, we had a blast doing it, and we have maintained our music association since then.

To create a video for a track, is it more fun or hard work?

Creating a video representation to compliment the music track is most enjoyable. My collaborators Caroline and Martin Howard have a keen eye for storytelling and are very professional and show a lot of creativity with the videos. They communicate with me very well, and we don't rush things. We set our own deadlines, and that works well.


Who inspired you to make music in general?

My first exposure to music was 'A Hard Days Night' by The Beatles. Thereafter it was a matter of putting my vivid imagination and storytelling ability to good use. I found I could do that after I picked up the guitar.

What is your creative process like? 

Storytelling. Collaboration. And seeing the world around me. I have been described as a 'Scooper'. - i.e. someone who continually scoops ideas and lyrics from everyday things.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Song writing with Ray Davies (The Kinks) and also Graham Parker and Nick Lowe and Nile Rogers.......Singing with Glenn Tilbrook (Squeeze) and also Emmylou Harris.

What is the most useful talent you have?

Organisational skills, Team selection, and politely encouraging the people who work with me to always give of their best. The quality of the work must remain high, and always as good as we can get it. 

If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?

If I had discovered the current MRC line up earlier. Then we would have started working together sooner. 


What’s next for you and what can we expect?

Further recording of new material, and associated video production. More single releases to follow that of 'Perfect Strangers'. Working towards a new Midnight River Crew EP or Album release. Gigs, yes please, looking at and considering more Singer-Songwriter showcase events, that would be cool for sure.

And then to attract the attention of Music Supervisors - Placements in Film, TV, Branding, and other video media.

The Midnight River Crew on:  Facebook     Twitter     Instagram

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