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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 8.Mar.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 When the Light Falls and the Bear Sleeps Emaline Delapaix 2 The Albatross Song (Mellow Like) E.G. Phillips 3 Ipanema Rendezvous Luke Tangerine, Kate Pending 4 Out Of Time Cadenti 5 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 6 Paper Boat Klinsmann 7 Echoes of Yesterday Andy Korg 8 Alone John Consalvo 9 Zu Hause TEYNA, The decaffeinated Sloth 10 National Hero Televised Mind 11  Inflatable e-Doll - Part One Carlos Ucedda 12  Take Me Home Eva Hillered 13  Hidden Talents Neon Radiation 14  Die Alive Shakkalo 15  I Wish Humans Were Made in a Factory... Zachary Mason 16  Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 17  Walls - Radio Edit Frank Joshua 18  blood & lilac Adeline V. Lopez 19  KaDeWe LINA RE$A 20 Retrospace - Rogue FX Remix Bending Grid, Jolie, Rogue FX
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Monday Interview: Big Timber


Big Timber (Will Adams) creates bass driven, psychedelic synth-scapes, parted by words of perpetual overthought. A native New Yorker living in Portland, Oregon, Will has been producing, performing, and exploring multiple genres for over two decades. Big Timber is the newest evolution of a sound that is forever changing. Big Timber is currently independently working on his debut EP "DROWSY", due out in late 2021. Now he's here to answer some questions, Thanks a lot Will!

Who inspired you to make music?   

Ultimately, good song writing. I grew up as a guitar player heavily influenced by what my parents and older siblings were listening to... Motown, Beach Boys, Led Zeppelin, Stone Temple Pilots, etc. I’d always search for why and how parts of music stood out to me, and try to draw influence from it. 

What or who inspired you to "Matador”? 

The rough idea of “Matador” came together very quickly. One morning, I was tinkering with synth sounds, and came up with the main lick. Everything clicked, right then. It was one of those beautiful moments, when an idea pours out of you, as if from nowhere. The lyrics are inspired by the misconception that "ignorance is bliss", when it usually ends up eating you alive. 

What is your creative process like? 

Hate to admit this, but it can be quite a mess haha. The process usually starts with humming a riff/progression into my phone, and continues to build over time. I’m usually still modifying drums and adding/subtracting atmospheric noises well into recording vocals. I have really had to learn the importance of patience through the songwriting process, as creative ideas are ALWAYS better when they are organic, and not rushed.

Who would you most like to collaborate with? 

As a producer, Kevin Parker. I am in constant amazement of his ability to create songs that are a perfect blend of sellable, innovative, and “music for musicians”. 

What is the most useful talent you have? 

20 years of guitar playing has definitely paved the way for what I’m doing now.

...and of course your most useless talent is? 

Being able to thread film and repair movie projectors. Skills that I learned in what seems like a past life.

If you could change anything in the past, what would it be? 

Personally speaking, I would have liked to get into production and step out of the “guitar player box” much earlier in life. 

How do you feel the Internet (especially Social Media platforms) has impacted the music business? 

It’s such a blessing/curse. The ability to network and reach an audience can be an amazing thing. It can be truly inspiring. That being said, I think social media can be really tough on creatives, as it’s easy to get sucked into constantly comparing and devaluing what you’re working on. 

What do you know about Austria?

While I’ve never been, Austria appears to be one of the most scenic places in the world. Absolutely beautiful!

Big Timber is/are...?

Originally from New York. Releasing an ep by the end of the year. One guy, who is constantly tapping, humming, and making weird noises… until it becomes a song :)

What’s next for you? 

Releasing my debut ep, “Drowsy”, by the end of the year. Beyond continuing to release new music… Playing live shows and touring, once the world opens back up!

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