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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 22.Feb.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 Houston Single Audio Channel 2 Lord Knows I'm Trying Stephen McCafferty 3 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 4 Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 5 The Last Call Dead Orchards 6 HOMETOWN Emergency Break  7 Alone John Consalvo 8 Games The Octopus Division 9 Nous étions heureux - Yul Remix Sylvain Hellio , Yul 10 KaDeWe LINA RE$A 11 Give Me Your Power Pouvoir Magique, la Vilaine Gugu 12 Wias weidageht inalied 13 Come Again tOOjim 14 Die Alive Shakkalo 15 Take Your Time Mary Strand 16 Lost Dj Remo 17 Oriental Angel (Live) The Frenchy Captains 18 Tin Foil Hat The Sex Guys 19 South Park (Vocal Version) Matthew Mirliani 20 Champagner Tag DichtBoi
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: Drops of Indigo - "Ten Steps Ahead"


Drops of Indigo

Drops of indigo released their first music back in 2018 as a duo consisting of Dabbe Karlsson and Linda Kokaas. Dabbe and Linda met in a music school in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. After been writing and releasing four songs the duo decided to put together a full band. After been searching for members for a while they were blessed to meet these four fantastic musicians and the full band setup was ready in 2020. In april 2020 the single "Tens steps ahead" was released. This is the first single recorded and produced as a fullband. 


Dabbe Karlsson - Vocals, guitar 

Linda Kokaas - Vocals, guitar 

Mattias Söderberg - Lead guitar 

Annika Fritzson - Keys, piano 

Firas Almaari - Drums 

Adrian Keilty - Bass

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Ten Steps Ahead

Die neue Veröffentlichung von der aus Schweden stammenden Band Drops of Indigo beeindruckt, beeindruckt mich vor allem mit dem "Opening" respektive der kurz angespielten klassischen Indie-Melodie, leicht verloren und doch voller Hoffnung taucht sie im Track immer wieder auf. Gute Vocalparts, was zu erwarten war,  bringen "Ten steps ahead" nochmals wertvolle Punkte in Sachen "amazing track alert". 

Die Musiker beherrschen ihr Handwerk, der Aufbau bzw. das Arrangement ist gut gelungen, man wandert langsam Richtung Höhepunkt, um einen Gipfel an Emotion und Leidenschaft zu erreichen, um dann doch langsam zu entschwinden. 

"The passing away of the spiritual teacher Ram Dass started the process of writing this song. Some of the words in this song are from his teachings. I can not change the past and worrying about the future is just an illusion I create in my mind. Yet it is so difficult to stay in the only state were I really can make a difference, the now." Alles in allem ein mehr als guter Track, der mich schon neugierig aufs bevorstehende Album schielen lässt.

The Interview

Drops of Indigo are...?

Drops of indigo is a 6-piece band from Sweden. (Dabbe Karlsson, Linda Kokaas, Firas Almaari, Mattias Söderberg, Annika Fritzon and Adrian Keilty) The band members also have roots in Syria, Spain and Norway. The first music was released in 2018 as a duo made by Dabbe and Linda. Back in 2020 the rest joined in to complete the circle. The music and lyrics are bringing reflecions from the members real life stories, wisom, hopes and dreams. A lot of different elements can be heard in the songs but the main genres are folk/singersongwriter/indie rock with focus on mostly acoustic sounds with real instruments.

The name "Drops of indigo" was created by Linda and Dabbe as they released music as a duo. In humans the term is associated with spirituality, creativity, emphaty and sensibility. As a colour indigo represents the sixth chakra the third eye, wich is associated with our inner voice and intuition.

Who inspired you to make music?

The music is in our blood so to make music is like breathing for us. We do find inspiration in a lot of genres. We find more inspiration from real emotions rather than pure skills. Songs and artists that wants to convey a positive change for the world and other humans are always a source of ispiration.

What or who inspired you to "Ten steps ahead"?

The writing of "Ten steps ahead" began when the sad news that the spiritual teacher Ram Dass had passed away reached us. He was one of those humans who inspired and teached people to be in the now and to look for their own treasures inside. The lyrics are also based on our own struggles of being present we are in every moment of life. 

What is your creative process like?

Our creative process is usually a song idea or a complete song that every band member then put their own touch to. We often start with free jamming to see where it ends =)

How do you feel the Internet (especially Social Media platforms) has impacted the music business?

In times like these (and in general) the internet and social media platforms are Gold when it comes to spread and find music! We do feel that the opportunity for indie artists to spread their music is much bigger these days.

What is the most useful talent you have?

Our best talent as a band is the ability to feel rather than to think the music. All members have that quality with their own instrument. 

If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?

The past is at it is. The time is an illusion, all we have is in our hands are here in this moment. A real change can only be created from were we are now. So to spend to much time in the past only takes us away from the essence of life. We try to learn from our experiences rather that to regret them.

What’s next for you?

We are soon going to release a new single and we are preparing to make a full album as well as going live when the situation in our society is back to somewhat normal. But most important we are going to continue to do what we love: To write and play music and we hope that we can inspire other humans to follow their passions in life!

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