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"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" von A.HerrMann

"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" Ein Liedermacher aus Lübeck, der von der Ostsee "geprägt" wurde, hat sich ein Herz, eine Gitarre und eine Schreibfeder genommen. Schreibfeder mag ein wenig übertrieben klingen, denn so alt ist der Herr(Mann) nun auch wieder nicht. Das Ergebnis war und ist sein Debütalbum "Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" , wie er es nennt.  A.HerrMann greift tief in seine "Seelen- und Geschichtenkiste" und verwandelt dieses Album in ein musikalisches Kleinod, bei dem vor allem seine Vergangenheit Regie führte. Großartige Texte in Liedform, die mich immer wieder aufs Neue begeistern. Es ist die Art der Wortwahl und natürlich die musikalische Umsetzung, die "Lebenslieder" zu etwas Besonderem machen. Wir haben uns ein paar dieser funkelnden Sterne herausgepickt, um euch diesen Longplayer, der nicht altert, schmackhaft zu machen.  Für den Anfang, und ich denke passend für alle Indie-Künstler, ist...
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Interview: TOMMY COYNE

"I may be just another Singer-Songwriter but my dedication to the arts and trying to establish a connection between the listener and me will intrigue you to understand the stories and meanings behind all of my songs to make a deeper connection towards them!", sagt er über sich selbst, aber mit "Ultraviolet" zeigte er das er mehr als nur ein weiterer Singer u. Songwriter ist. Mehr als nur einer von vielen,  thanks for your time and here is the interview with Tommy Coyne.

Who inspired you to make music?

Artistically Luke Rainsford is a Massive Inspiration for how my songs sound, but lyrically my father gives me some good lyrics. But I inspire myself at times because I want to push my boundaries and experiment with new sounds and genres.

What or who inspired you to write "Ultraviolet"?

I wouldn’t be lying if I said a girl did, at the time I liked someone and it helped me write a happy song about someone, just describing how I feel when I see them.

What is your creative process like?

I usually just play around with chords and different melodies, could be on guitar, could be vocally. I start out with having a nice sounding chord progression and then whatever mood I’m in at that current moment I put those emotions into lyrics. Then I just know automatically what works and what doesn’t so I add layer and layer of instruments over the tops until I’ve created a whole song.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

So many artists pop to my mind when this question is asked, just anyone really! If you make good music even if it’s in a different genre, we can always try to create something unique!

What is the most useful talent you have?

I wouldn’t really say I have a useful talent, but I can pick up a song after a few seconds of hearing away, I can easily find the chords and then play it back, even if I don’t know it. (Might not be perfectly but its still useful)

If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?

Nothing, I’d rather change the future than focus on things that have passed!

How do you feel the Internet (especially Social Media platforms) has impacted the music business?

It’s Impacted the music industry massively, for good and for bad. Like the internet is a wonderful thing since you can just advertise your music and engage with your audience and if they like it enough you can grow an easy fanbase. But then at times you put yourself down because you aren’t reaching certain targets, it’s a chance you must take and put yourself out there. I’m still curious on how social media works and how to improve my reputation and grow!

Tommy Coyne is...?

Raring to gig, it’s been ages since I’ve got up on a stage and played anything, I just miss engaging with an audience and playing my music for them. (Also hungry, but that’s just me normally)

What’s next for you?

I’ve got a lot planned! For solo work and for my band, with my solo work I have a Concept EP planned for release sometime soon so stay on the lookout for that. But for my band we have a recording studio booked sometime in August and we cannot wait to record the song and release it.

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