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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: The Self Help Group - "The Finger"

The Self Help Group

The Self Help Group from Sussex, UK, play a harmony drenched blend of folk and Americana, imbued with the spirit of the Laurel Canyon. They have released 2 critically acclaimed albums, gaining radio play across the globe. Now, after a self imposed hiatus, they are struggling off the sofa and onto the music scene with as much energy as a band with a combined total of 13 children can mange....


The Finger

The Self Help Group haben ihre nächste Single veröffentlich und haben mich dabei völlig überrascht, perfekter Indiesound, ein bisschen Uptempo und eingängiger Gesang überzeugen sofort von Beginn an. Der Refrain, wo sich der Gesang besonders hervorhebt,  bleibt einem für eine Weile im Ohr hängen und das Video dazu find ich ebenfalls gelungen. Breaks und Bridges ohne den Fluss des Tempos zu verlieren sorgen für weitere Highlights. Da gibts nichts dran zu meckern. So we have to say Achtung: an uptempo melody meets a dreamy sound.

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