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The Fear of Omnipresent Observation: ‘The Crawling Eye’ by The Silence Industry

‘The Crawling Eye’ by The Silence Industry On this very Friday, we whisk you away into the sublime yet shadow-laden realm of Goth Rock, where the heart of Post-Punk beats incessantly. The Silence Industry has recently set a benchmark with ‘The Crawling Eye’ that other artists will find difficult to surpass in the foreseeable future. Endowed with an impressive back catalog,  The Silence Industry approaches a topic of grave seriousness in their latest release. The track addresses omnipresent surveillance, shedding light on its profound implications as well as the personal apprehensions it evokes.   Musically, Graham Jackson creates a scene of distressing perfection, where elements of Death-Rock leave us breathless and the fear of omnipresent observation becomes palpable. Driven by a dark Post-Punk aura, Graham rises with a performance at the microphone that recalls memories of Jaz Coleman (Killing Joke). The artist not only succeeds in maintaining the tension for nearly seven minutes b

The Artists: Kai Ono, JaMichael - "Our Umbrella"

Kai and JaMichael wrote this song in two days as a challenge, but rather than it being a challenge, the song ended up as a catharsis for their feelings of exhaustion they were feeling at the time, lassen sie uns wissen.

Zwei vom Jazz beeinflusste Musiker, Kai, Pianist und Sänger und JaMichael, Flötist und Sänger, treffen sich um gemeinsam Musik zu machen und schreiben so "nebenbei" "Our Umbrella". Ein Song indem es nur so vor musikalischer Inspiration wimmelt, jedes Mal wenn man das Stück hört, hört man etwas neues, was einem davor nicht aufgefallen war. Bemerkenswert jazzige Melodien mit einem Hauch Soul als Basis, kombiniert mit energiegeladenen Solis welche zeitlos klingen, werden geboten. Auch wenn man es des Öfteren hintereinander anhört, es klingt erstaunlicherweise immer wieder frisch und neu. Verspieltheit in Perfektion dargebracht von Kai und JaMichael in jazziger Umgebung.

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SUNSAY - "Enough Is Enough"

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