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"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend

"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend A wonderful breeze of alternative pop blows in from Liverpool and lands in our blog, so to speak, where it runs riot in synthwave style and occasionally exudes a touch of 80s charm. The musician calls himself Frend and impresses with fresh, nostalgic sounds. The soulful tale of a romantic encounter is the theme of his latest release, "Streetlights Are Lonely."   From snow-covered bridges to lonely streetlights that only wake up at night, he brings the narrative to life. The loneliness of the streetlights and the automatic holding of the other person suggest a fusion of loneliness and newly discovered intimacy, showing how fleeting and precious such moments are - humanly complex emotions between hope and melancholy. Musically, as mentioned at the beginning, we move in the New Synthwave genre of the 2020s and get our money's worth. The arrangements are varied, and the vocals characterize the mood and the entire song. "Stre...
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: Ben Dalby - "Tin man"

Tin Man

"The Tin Man in Oz! He is trying to find his heart, and the song is about being cut off from your feelings, and trying to toil away when you’ve lost that connection to your heart. The song has another side (in the chorus) which is the joy of escaping from such a restricted life", so Ben Dalby. Was natürlich, aufgrund der Tatsache dass mich "Oz" und das Drumherum immer neugierig macht, ein interessantes Thema ist. Der Tin man aus Oz ist ja kein Unbekannter, vielmehr war ich schon auf die musikalische Umsetzung gespannt. Lautstärke rauf und los, und der Sound der Gitarre haut einen sofort um, die Vocals fügen sich perfekt ein und man ist sofort angekommen. Bester Indie-Pop mit leichtem 80s Touch. Obwohl der Track quasi nur aus Highlights besteht und sofort "on the point" ist, schafft es Ben Dalby mit dem Chorus nochmals nachzulegen, gleichsam eine Kirsche auf der Kirsche zu servieren. So we have to say Achtung: Ben Dalby and his unbelievable "Tin man" on the way to your heart.

Photo credits: Michael Palmer

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