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"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend

"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend A wonderful breeze of alternative pop blows in from Liverpool and lands in our blog, so to speak, where it runs riot in synthwave style and occasionally exudes a touch of 80s charm. The musician calls himself Frend and impresses with fresh, nostalgic sounds. The soulful tale of a romantic encounter is the theme of his latest release, "Streetlights Are Lonely."   From snow-covered bridges to lonely streetlights that only wake up at night, he brings the narrative to life. The loneliness of the streetlights and the automatic holding of the other person suggest a fusion of loneliness and newly discovered intimacy, showing how fleeting and precious such moments are - humanly complex emotions between hope and melancholy. Musically, as mentioned at the beginning, we move in the New Synthwave genre of the 2020s and get our money's worth. The arrangements are varied, and the vocals characterize the mood and the entire song. "Stre...
New Wave
Synth Pop

The Artist: Sam Gifford - "Shadows in the dark"

 Shadows in the dark

In May 2020, I felt a great sense of hopelessness. The country was in lockdown, there were riots in America and in the UK and the world felt more divided than ever, das war unter anderem seine Inspiration zu diesem Lied. Aus der Hoffnungslosigkeit heraus geboren, die unerbittliche Hoffnung des Widerstands die nicht schwinden darf oder das Unmögliche möglich zu machen als große Themen des Songs. Indie-Pop wird zelebriert, gelebt, ja gesungen, ab und zu kineastisch gewürzt um die Dramaturgie auf ein neues Level zu bringen. Mit "Shadows in the dark" beweist Sam Gifford abermals seine Liedermacher, sprich Singer- und Songwriterqualitäten auf's Neue, soll heißen tiefgründige Lyrics treffen auf ein musikalisch harmonisches Arrangement, welches maßgeschneidert die Vocals in Szene setzt. 
So we have to say Achtung: Sam Gifford shines out of the dark with "Shadows in the dark".

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Photo credits: Matt Gifford

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