...the stars would explode
"This song was written for the person who has a hard time putting into words their immense love for someone. If they could .... the stars would surely explode and the heavens would fall.", so die kurze Beschreibung dazu.
Für all jene gedacht, die ihre unsagbar große Liebe zu jemanden nicht in Worte fassen können, und würden sie, ja dann explodieren die Sterne und der Himmel stürzt auf uns ein. Die Aussage dahinter ist ja bereits eine Liebeserklärung an sich.
Das Unaussprechliche, das "sich nicht zu trauen", das "ich kann gar nicht sagen wie sehr ...", als großes Thema. Lyrisch exzellent zu Papier gebracht und von Howe selbst intuitiv vorgetragen, auch sicher mit ein Grund, dass diese Vocalparts so brillant gelungen sind. Howes Stimme wirkt authentisch, rau und emotional oder "simply extraordinary good".
Das Arrangement des Tracks beeindruckend gut, immer wieder entdeckt man Neues, versteckt verspielte Melodien die man erst nach mehrmaligen Hören wahrnimmt sorgen für Abwechslung und lassen den Song leben, geben ihm die nötige Dynamik um immer frisch zu klingen. Näheres über The Meskimo and Howe findet ihr wie immer im nachfolgenden Q&A part.
"...the stars would explode" by The Meskimo & Howe a shining star on the "Heaven of Indiemusic" or whenever the heaven would fall down, please let the radio play this song.
Who inspired you to make music in general?
Music has been in my family for generations. My father would be my biggest influence. He introduced such a broad spectrum of music to me at a very young age, some of those bands heavily influencing me today. He is also an amazing piano/synth player, the guy is a virtuoso.
...and especially to the song "...the stars would explode"?
I work on the road sometimes. During a phone conversation while I was away on a long stretch, I found myself having a hard time trying to explain to my fiance the depth of my love for her. After getting frustrated with myself I told her “If I could explain to you how immense my love is for you, the stars would explode”. Immediately after getting off the phone with her I started writing and arranging. I really liked the concept of having the title of the song be the end of a sentence.
The song creates a great atmosphere, how much time did you spend to find the right sounds?
Hours. I often get immersed in sound design spending hours honing in on a sound only to completely scrap it and start over. I have around 27 songs on my SoundCloud and all of them have extensive time put into sound design.
Howe, you give the track a touch of uniqueness, how many "takes" did it take to get the final version?
I think we went back and forth about 3 times, each time adding more layers of vocals. Unsure of takes, but it built on itself over a couple weeks.
What is your creative process like?
I always have a plethora of song ideas floating around in my head. When one starts resonating louder than the others, It is time to dive in. I try to incorporate elements of a genre that wouldn’t necessarily go with the vibe of what I am working on. Just recently I listened to an old Death Cab song and thought it would be cool to sample the vocals and put them over a heavy Boom Bap beat. It was a stretch but as I was working on it it really started to flow. The finished product is dope!
What is the most useful talent you have?
Howe: I'm going to go with my ability to raise dairy goats. It's useful because they are cute and with milk I can make soap and cheese. So as far as basic survival I would say that's my most useful talent.
What do you prefer, a live gig or a studio session?
In the past I have played live shows with bands I was in and enjoyed them and I think playing songs from my current project live would be a phenomenal show. I do everything myself so a show with a full band would be a large undertaking to organize. It would be interesting to do a live show solo with all the different elements of each song. That being said, I am very comfortable with my studio setup and find great comfort in it.
When do you decide that a song is ready for a release?
When it sounds good at loud volumes on the most basic Hyundai Elantra sound system lol
Do you remember the first ever Rock/Pop/... song you listened to?
It is either Pink Floyd's “Money” or Little Feat's “Spanish Moon”. I have memories of dancing around my parents house at a very young age to both of those songs.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Thom Sonny Green. My first introduction is when Alt J played NPR’s Tiny Desk the first time. I remember just being blown away by his drumming. I quickly listened to An Awesome Wave and admired everything he did. His unique approach to simple time signatures and his use of auxiliaries is unmatched in my eyes.
How do you feel the Internet (especially Social Media platforms) has impacted the music business?
It’s a double edged sword. The exposure one can create independently is awesome. You are in complete control of your own branding and the material you choose to post. It has also flooded all platforms with cookie cutter promotion plans that are obvious and well overused. The amount of people taking advantage of indie artists is disgusting. The disrespect I have towards dishonest people promising publicity and then robbing people of hundreds or thousands of dollars is insurmountable. I just give it to the universe though, it will work it out with those wretch.
What’s next for you?
Howe: More writing, and more burritos
Crafting sonically made vibes for the aural pleasure of the planet