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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 22.Feb.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 Houston Single Audio Channel 2 Lord Knows I'm Trying Stephen McCafferty 3 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 4 Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 5 The Last Call Dead Orchards 6 HOMETOWN Emergency Break  7 Alone John Consalvo 8 Games The Octopus Division 9 Nous étions heureux - Yul Remix Sylvain Hellio , Yul 10 KaDeWe LINA RE$A 11 Give Me Your Power Pouvoir Magique, la Vilaine Gugu 12 Wias weidageht inalied 13 Come Again tOOjim 14 Die Alive Shakkalo 15 Take Your Time Mary Strand 16 Lost Dj Remo 17 Oriental Angel (Live) The Frenchy Captains 18 Tin Foil Hat The Sex Guys 19 South Park (Vocal Version) Matthew Mirliani 20 Champagner Tag DichtBoi
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"Come alive" by Prince Bishop

Prince Bishop

Like their regional and historical namesakes, Prince Bishop is a regal rock band with big musical ambitions. The Prince Bishop sound (and approach) is soulful, unique and wholly elemental.
Whilst there is nothing retro about this band, there are underlying pastoral and dreamy tinges that hint at 70’s outsider bands such as Supertramp, Caravan, ELO and King Crimson. Like these bands, progression and sonic exploration are never at the detriment of tune, or the song.

It is all presented in a swirling, guitar-led blend of delays, reverbs and vocal harmony that recalls the earlier, rockier Radiohead output. Backed by a thumping, dexterous rhythm section, the band is one that truly comes alive in the live setting.
There is also a yearning for the transcendent in the music of Prince Bishop. It is music with something at stake, music as a window to the soul. The next few months will see the build up to the release of their debut album ‘All is Due’ in 2022.

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Come alive

Heute veröffentlicht die Band Prince Bishop ihre Single "Come Alive". Wie der Titel bereits ein wenig vorwegnimmt geht's darum positive Stimmung zu verbreiten, Hoffnung zu geben oder einfach neue Wege zu finden um wieder "zu leben". 
In Zeiten der Pandemie ist dieses Bedürfnis natürlich etwas schwerer umsetzbar, vielleicht ist aber jetzt gerade der richtige Zeitpunkt, die wichtigen bzw. richtigen Werte, welche dies auch immer sein mögen, neu zu definieren. 
Musikalisch ist die Band in den Genres des Classic-, Prog- oder Indie Rocks unterwegs, lässt aber ab und zu ein wenig die 70s durchschimmern. "Come alive" besticht durch sein gutes Arrangement, die musikalische Progression sorgt für "Farbe am Bild" ohne dabei ins Abstrakte abzuschweifen. 
Gitarre und Vocals als "Akzente setzende Elemente" fungieren quasi als Pinsel, sind federführend für die Stimmung des Songs.
"Come Alive" by Prince Bishop where finest "Soft-Prog-Rock" comes alive and spreads some hope.


Prince Bishop is/are...?

Ben, Mark & Bob played on the forthcoming album 'All is Due', but the live band will include a couple more people to best represent the multi-layered sound.
Our name, Prince Bishop, comes from the historial Prince Bishops, who were like the Kings of the North of England in the Middle ages. We are based in Durham, so it seemed like a good fit.

Who inspired you to make music in general?

When I was a kid there were always guitars and keyboards in our house. My Dad loved music, was always experimenting with it and so we were always surrounded by it, listening, playing.
Music has always allowed me to dream, so it was natural to start writing my own songs. I guess as a songwriter, you want to emulate your idols and then you naturally develop to do your own thing. I have always wanted to make music that uplifted or consoled people in some way.

...and especially to the song "Come alive"?

Come Alive is a good example of that. I wanted to create something that sounded positive and encouraged people to think for themselves and find and do the things with true value which can uplift them and make them 'come alive'.
In light of the pandemic and this fast changing world this sentiment is probably more important now than ever, right?

The track creates that 70s Prog Rock feeling, is this your favorite genre?

I listen to a very broad range or music but as for a genre, 'prog' has a lot of merit. I love rock bands especially those who write songs or albums that take you on a journey. I am an album guy, my favourite bands tend to be those who really focus on the long player. 
Some of my favourite albums are those created in that era, stuff like Court of the Crimson King or Dark Side of the Moon. I like music that is enigmatic and mysterious. There are certain chords or progressions which I think open up the mind and can help people see the world in different ways.

What is your creative process like?

Either the lyric or a chord sequence or a riff comes first and then it becomes clear which to marry to which. I tend to write the bones of the song and then get in the room with the band to bring it to life and then a further layer of creativity happens during the studio / recording process. I love multi tracking and layering stuff, as people will hear.

When do you decide that a song is ready for a release?

Good question. I am not sure that a song is ever truly finished. I take ages to write stuff and tend to go back and chop and change all the time.
You have to release stuff eventually, when you feel that you have something worth sharing.

Do you remember your first ever self written song?

Goodness, I am thinking but I don't. It will have been something I wrote on a keyboard as that was the first instrument I started messing around with.
I do like to revisit my older material though and bring something new to it. For me songwriting is an ever evolving process. Something I love to do.

What's your most useful talent besides music?

I'm pretty practical, so I can make stuff with wood. I just love creating and making things generally.

What was the first ever Pop/Rock/... song you listened to?

I honestly don't remember specifically but the band that had the earliest impact on me was Queen - so I am going to say Bohemian Rhapsody. Their stuff was so dramatic and exciting, yet poignant and catchy.

What do you prefer, a live gig or a studio session?

I probably lean towards the studio, but I love playing live too.

What’s next for you?

We finished this single, plus the album, before the pandemic hit. Like most musicians / bands, this has been a difficult time where it has been hard to get anything going. I am excited to release this material though, we have another couple of singles which will precede the album which will be out next year. Lots of gigs in 2022 I hope!

Photo credits: Mark Savage

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