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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"The Way" by Stella Mar

Stella Mar, pop artistSeattle-based pop artist Stella Ma

Stella Mar

Seattle-based pop artist Stella Mar makes music that’s an amalgamation of all the hurdles she’s cleared in her life; or as she puts it, “pop bangers for the languidly queer.”At age 13, Stella was told by professionals that she’d never be a good singer with her vocal tone, so she should give up her dreams of being a performer. Instead, she decided to push twice as hard. She began playing shows in Portland and Seattle and released her debut album White Noise in 2021.

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The Way

""The Way" is an ode to the fuckboy. Sparkling with Stella Mar’s signature combination of synth and spite, this song is written to a person with a particular personality type - the kind of person who plays with people’s hearts just for the fun of it.", so die Beschreibung zu Stella Mars neuester Veröffentlichung die mit Heute erscheint. 
Erwarten kann man feinste "Pop tunes" veredelt mit kräftigen Synths und einer Sängerin in Höchstform. Die etwas rauen Vocals geben dem Track noch den extra Touch "Stella", beinahe schon "Mar-esque" könnte man meinen. "The Way" by Stella Mar, the next highlight on Stella's way to the top.

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