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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Hell of a year" by Maddy Carty

Maddy Carty is a London based Singer-Songwriter

Maddy Carty

Maddy Carty is a London based Singer-Songwriter with a unique, soulful sound. Her previous releases have gained support from Radio 1, 1xtra and BBC 6 Music amongst others.
She writes songs of social commentary, love and life and at times has a political edge, which has given her the opportunity to play for a wide array of audiences, supporting the likes of Madness and Norman Jay.
Drawing her inspiration from an eclectic range of influences including, Tracy Chapman, IndiaAirie and Amy Winehouse, Maddy writes and performs in many forms and genres.

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Hell of a year

Die Art und Weise wie wir mit gewissen Situation oder schwierigen Zeiten umgehen und diese verarbeiten, ob wir uns diesen stellen oder sie verdrängen oder gar versuchen diese im Alkohol zu ertränken indem wir uns betrinken, wobei dieses Betrinken dann schon zur Regelmäßigkeit wird, das alles wird bei "Hell of a year" zum Thema. 
Maddy Carty und ihre neueste Veröffentlichung, das ist schon gelungen, würde ich sagen, die Vocals strotzen vor Emotionen, engagiert und leidenschaftlich die Darbietung. Der Aufbau des Liedes bzw. die Songstruktur wunderbar, langsam und stetig handelt man sich von Höhepunkt zu Höhepunkt, gut gewählte Sounds oder auch die Drums sorgen für perfekte Abwechslung, die zweite Reihe, sozusagen, schafft es immer wieder den Track zu pushen. 
Die erste sprich vorderste Reihe ist reserviert, hier steht eine Sängerin, eine Künstlerin, hier steht Maddy Carty und das zu recht. "Hell of a year" by Maddy Carty or simply hell of a good song.


Maddy Carty is…?

... a London based singer-songwriter with a soulful sound. She writes songs of social commentary, life, love and sometimes has a political edge.

Who inspired you to make music in general?

I grew up listening to a really eclectic variety of music, my mum liked a bit of everything from the folky singer/songwriters like Tracy Chapman, to lots of soul and Reggae. 
Then my brother was into more indie bands, I was just always really into the lyrics, they’re what drew me in.

...and especially to the song "Hell of a year”?

Hell of a Year is about the unhealthy ways we can deal with difficult times. I’m a bit of an avoider at times so have often over done it with alcohol so that I don’t have to think about stuff. 
I woke up really hungover one day during lockdown and thought ‘wow, this is getting to be a bit too regular a feeling!’

What is your creative process like?

Usually I’ll get a lyric idea in my head, then I’ll write down some ideas then take them to the piano and put chords to them, then it just kinda happens naturally.

What's your most useful talent besides music?

I quite like cooking, I’m not amazing but I can do about 6 things really well!

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I would love to write with someone like Joy Crookes as I think her writing is incredible and I love her style. Also I love Emily Warren, her lyrics always get me and her voice is gorgeous.

What was the first ever Pop/Rock/etc. ... song you listened to or remember on?

I remember listening to Eminem ‘Guilty Conscience’ when I was really young, probably too young! And I remember just loving it and playing it over and over again. The piano part was the first thing I ever taught myself to play!

What do you prefer, a live gig or a studio session?

I love both, but probably just about a live gig, because you can see an instant reaction to a new song from an audience and it’s a great feeling when they love it.

Do you remember your first ever self-written song?

I wrote a very terrible song about love when I was about 7 ha! As if I knew anything about it! I don’t remember it but people were very kind to pretend it was good at the time!

What’s next for you?

So Hell of a Year is out now and I have a few more songs lined up that will be coming soon too. I’m just going to keep creating and working with other artists and producers and keep making music. I love collaborating and I’m lucky that I have so many talented friends to work with.

Photo credits:
Photos by Tom Edwards
Hell of A Year Artwork by Adrian Swancar

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