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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 22.Feb.25

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"Me on a good day" by Bosola

Bosola are a 3 piece Alternative Rock band from Newcastle


Bosola are a 3 piece Alternative Rock band from Newcastle. Their sound is influenced by Bob Mould, Paul Simon, The Smiths, The Cure, and The Replacements.
The Band released an EP earlier in the year that has got some really good reviews.

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Me on a good day

Mit "This time Buddy, it's all on you" sowie der EP "How Sick I became running from myself" zeigten sie bereits auf. Heute, am Montag, erscheint "Me on a good day", der neueste Track von der Band aus Newcastle. 
Entfremdung und Verlust, Verlust des Glaubens an die Kultur selbst, als Themen. Die Religion zu hinterfragen, einseitige Diskussionen als deren Auslöser. "I guess your early twenties can be a chastening experience when you don't know what to do", so der Künstler. Alles scheint zu verschwinden oder entschwindet, düster und leer wirkt die Realität. Diese Leere hinterlässt offene Fragen die es zu beantworten gibt und die Suche beginnt. 
Musikalisch wird hervorragend Regie geführt, die Lyrics fungieren quasi als Drehbuch und bilden respektive gestalten den äußerst kreativen Background. 
Man greift dabei auf verschiedenste Szenarien zurück und bildet diese dabei ab, himmelsgleicher Gitarrensound, der mich sehr an The Cure erinnert, im Zusammenspiel mit einem harmonisch "runden" Bass sorgt für den Touch Ewigkeit. Hie und da ein kurzer Stopp, man holt Luft und steuert zum nächsten Höhepunkt. Die Drums als große Konstante, der Puls des Songs sozusagen, wenn dieser aufhört zu schlagen ist die Suche beendet. "Me on a good day" by Bosola is able to convince again and they are developing their direction straight to "extraordinary"!!!


Who or what inspired you to the song "Me on a good day"?

Bosola are a 3 piece Alternative Rock bandI think lyrically the song draws on themes of alienation and loss of faith in culture. At the time that I was thinking writing the song I was listening religiously (pardon the pun) to The Holy Bible by the Manic Street Preachers. It's a really dark album but I think the depths of its darkness are really contained in its bleak realism. 

At that point I felt Richie Edwards was putting things into words which were manifesting in my life in some form or other. I guess your early twenties can be a chastening experience when you don't know what to do - so the song explores multilayered loss of faith - starting with a one way discussion with higher being for which I had no evidence to a dismissive swipe wellbeing via consumption and the acceptance of the futility of romance as a form of personal redemption. 
At the time I was also engrossed in literary works of Sarah Kane which was a disturbingly accurate mirror to be held up modern life.

Musically I have tried to match the mood of the lyrics with the style of guitar playing - a dreamy opening to accompany the etheral conversation with God, repetive jingle of the chorus and then a cathartic build to an ongoing nothingness with a bleak drum outro. Musically I was influenced in that by the Manic Street Preachers, 'Loveless' era My Bloody Valentine and 'Disintegration' by The Cure.

'Me on a Good Day' is the lead single from the upcoming EP 'Thomas & Judas', what can we expect?

'Thomas & Judas' was recorded in the Summer with our full band and I think you can expect a more cohesive and a heavier sound. We felt we hit our stride more and were able to actually rehearse the songs together before taking them to the studio this time. 
Emma (drums) and Pete (bass) have had a big influence on how the songs have developed. I think that this makes the songs more rounded and interesting for the listener.

The EP's theme is betrayal and doubt and we have taken influence from the genre of power pop to explore these themes musically. Expect to hear lots of different influences within the songs which should be released over the next 6 months.

I have read you have a number of live dates lined up in Newcastle and Glasgow, how was your first live gig as a band?

Our first live gig was firstly a big relief as we'd had a few cancelled due to COVID-19 and at points it felt like it might never happen. Thankfully it did and we managed to put a DIY gig with two of our favourite bands from the region and played to a full house. The energy that night was amazing and we've been looking forward to our next gig ever since.

When do you decide that a song is ready for a release?

As a songwriter I've generally decided which songs we should record and release from how they feel when we play them in the rehearsal studio. 
I've already got another 4 track EP planned out in my mind but we are developing the songs now, more democratically as a band and Pete and Emma are fantastic songwriters and musicians in their own right. So I am looking forward to a time when we make the decisions together about what songs we want to pursue.

Do you remember your first ever self written song?

Haha - yes I do. It was thinly veiled rip off of Passenger by Iggy Pop called 'Voice in my Head'. Thankfully I can't remember the lyrical content but I'm sure it's somewhere on MySpace.

What was the first ever Pop/Rock/... song you listened to or remember on?

My family are really quite musical and as the youngest I was exposed to my mothers music such as The Carpenters and Labi Saffri, my father's obsession with The Beatles, Beach Boys and Fairport Convention and my siblings favourite artists being The Manic Street Preachers and Alanis Morrissette. That said, the first song I can really remember being captivated by was 'Disco 2000' by Pulp. In a strange and oddly foreboding way I really connected with Jarvis Cocker's forlorn lyrics.

What do you prefer, a live gig or a studio session?

I love them both. I guess the studio is about crafting a song and developing it with other musicians. Live Gigs are about emotionally connecting with the audience and feeding off each other in energetic communion

Bosola have a number of live dates lined up in Newcastle and Glasgow:

17th December
Bobiks - Newcastle Upon Tyne

5th February
13th Note Cafe - Glasgow

12th February
Little Buildings - Newcastle Upon Tyne

Photo credits: Harvey Kuyck Cohen

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