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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Paradise" by Roses In Hand

Roses in Hand, Jessica Allen und Samuel Burrell

Roses In Hand

Roses In Hand are a quirky underground duo that have a propensity for writing hook-heavy, relatable tunes that linger. They are currently delivering a fresh new sound of gritty electro-pop, with the first single set to be released in December 2021.
Singer/songwriter Jessica Allen and multi-instrumentalist/producer Samuel Burrell met each other by chance on the set of writing for a movie. Testing the waters of their music through busking, the pair knew they had something special when they released their debut single and music video "Free Fall" the same year.
From extensive travelling with their acoustic performances, Roses in Hand have been known for their lyrics of love, lust and struggles through beat-driven tempos and soulful melodies
With ear-catching performances and hook-heavy music, Roses In Hand have extended their sound with elements of modern pop, using electronic and acoustic instrumentation.


Heute widme ich mich dem australischen Duo, Roses in Hand. Bei uns noch nicht ganz so bekannt, darf man sie, wie ich meine, dennoch mit dem Prädikat "Hörenswert" auszeichnen. Mit ihrer neusten Veröffentlichung "Paradise", erschienen am 17.Dezember, gehen sie in Richtung Modern Electro Pop. Seinen Wert kennen, sich das zu nehmen was einem zusteht, das "Es nicht verdient zu haben" erst gar nicht "reinlassen", als Thema.
Jessica Allen und Samuel Burrell bieten hier High Quality Pop, die Vocals von Jessica befördern uns in die oberen Regionen der Charts, klingen dabei äußerst dynamisch und eingängig, das Arrangement, sprich Instrumentalisierung, komplex wie auch well-balanced, einerseits setzt es Jessica perfekt in Szene, andererseits bedienen es den Hörer mit kleinen feinen Überraschung. 
Es ist eindeutig die Korrelation von Jessica und Samuel, dieses „Aufeinander bezogen sein“ das diesen Track auszeichnet, dieser modern Pop Perfektionismus in Form der musikalischen Umsetzung welcher hier auf eine ear-catching Performance der Vocals trifft. Es mit dem Etikett "Ready for the Charts" zu versehen daher nur legitim. Paradise by Roses in Hand wird mit Garantie nicht das Letzte sein was wir von der Band hören werden.

Photo: Jessica Allen

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