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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Repeat Offender" by Snap Infraction

Snap Infraction is Steve Karsch and Tony Iannuzzi

Snap Infraction

Snap Infraction is Steve Karsch and Tony Iannuzzi and they share a brain and they don’t like writing about themselves in the third-person. They like guitars n drums n amps n rock n roll. Every two to three years or so, they release some new music. They’re kind of like cicadas in that way, but not like the cicadas who drop from the trees and get stuck in your hair. That's gross.

Steve Karsch - vocals, guitars, piano
Tony Iannuzzi - drum

"We like to make the kind of music that we would want to hear." - Tony
"We like guitars and amps and drums and harmonies so that's what we play. We try not to overthink things." - Steve, resident overthinker

Repeat Offender

Es ist ihre sechste Single in diesem Jahr und ich muss zu meiner Schande gestehen, dass sie mir bis dato noch unbekannt waren. Die Rede ist von Snap Infraction aus Philadelphia, US. Mit ihrem neuesten Werk "Repeat Offender" liefern sie definitely finest Brit-Pop Quality a la Blur meets Oasis meets the Verve meets the mid-90s ab
Alles ist vorhanden, alles ist vorbereitet um in diese Dekade einzutauchen, der eingängige Sound der Gitarre in einer Union mit den harmonischen Vocals welche von Drums getrieben wird als eines der Markenzeichen. Die grandiose Bassline, dezent aber enorm effektiv, fungiert als perfektes Bindemittel zwischen den Hauptakteuren und schlussendlich ein Bridge welches ihre Kreativität nochmals unterstreicht. 
"Repeat Offender" von Snap Infraction eine dynamische Expedition in die mid-90s oder die Konformität der musikalischen Energie auf einer Reise in die Vergangenheit.

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