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Riding the 80s: ‘Good Time’ by Mayah Camara and Sellorekt / LA Dreams

‘Good Time’ by Mayah Camara, Sellorekt / LA Dreams Let’s take a deep dive into the 80s narrative, where Mayah Camara bursts onto the London music scene like a comet slicing through the night sky. In a dynamic collaboration with Sellorekt / LA Dreams , she’s dropped ‘Good Time’, a track pulsating with charismatic 80s nostalgia and adding yet another sparkling entry to her musical repertoire. Imagine a grand dance hall, suspended in time, where the synthesizer’s rhythm beats like a heart, and colorful lights sketch vibrant lifelines. The atmosphere is ripe with excitement, and fashion becomes the bold, unapologetic skin of the era .  Here, a young girl steps into the night , her hair sky-high, poised to take on the world. She moves with wild abandon, immersed in a spectrum of colors, electric blues, neon pinks, and acid yellows. The bassline courses through her, and as she spins beneath the mirrored disco ball, she catches fleeting reflections of herself.  The onlookers are spellbound

"Robert Dufresne" by Kevin Rieth

Kevin is a proud member of the LGBTQ community

Kevin Rieth

Kevin Rieth grew up in York, PA and was almost immediately obsessed with all things music, from banging on pots and pans to requesting The Beatles’ “Get Back” during preschool singalong. 
He took up the trumpet in fifth grade, and the rest is history. Kevin is a proud member of the LGBTQ community and currently resides in San Diego, CA with his cat, Simon.

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Robert Dufresne

Nach "Hug the line" stellt sich Kevin Rieth jetzt mit "Robert Dufresne" vor und diese Vorstellung ist schier perfekt, ganz im Stile seiner großen Vorbilder wird im Power Pop/Rock inszeniert. Nach seinem Debüt dachte ich mir, "das wird schwer zu toppen sein", aber er belehrte mich eines besseren und setzte mit seiner zweiten Single noch eins drauf. 
Der Sound lässt einen nostalgisch werden und zurückblicken. Das Arrangement stimmig, die Vocalparts ein Genuss, immer wieder wird man an diese wundervollen Musikepoche erinnert. 
Die Inspiration zur Geschichte liefern zwei Figuren aus Kevins musikalischer Vergangenheit, Robert ein fröhlicher, barfuß tanzender Mann, in seinem Wesen unbekümmert, dem gegenüber Nina, seine Geliebte aus Spanien, mit der Vergangenheit einer Kleinkriminellen ausgestattet. "...a whimsical journey through an alternate reality...", so der Künstler selbst.
"Robert Dufresne" by Kevin Rieth, Baroque Pop meets Power Pop meets the story of Robert and Nina and paints a wonderfully colourful picture framed by an extraordinary artist. 
Definitely a hidden gem and if I have to give this little masterpiece a name I would call it "The nostalgic present" of Kevin Rieth.

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