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‘Day Old Thoughts’ by Arny Margret

‘Day Old Thoughts’ by Arny Margret Emotional turmoil and self-reflection are at the center of Arny Margret’s new single ‘Day Old Thoughts’. Once again, the Icelander manages to transport us into her world and make us listen attentively.  Arny not only chisels the eternal struggle for self-acceptance and authenticity into notes but also into poetic lines that vividly describe the search for truth and authenticity in an often confusing and cloudy world .  The musical realization mirrors the emotional landscape and the changeable nature of relationships. The vocals literally nestle into the arrangement, rising when the emotion calls for it and falling gently back into the lap of poetry.   The instrumental part is highly professional and on a par with Arny Margret's performance, or perhaps “worthy” is the better term.  ‘Day Old Thoughts’ may flow quietly and gently like a stream, but there is so much emotion in it that the tension never lets up .  A wonderful piece ...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"After the rain, you'll find the son" by Lady Redneck

Lady Redneck

... is a Country artist from Dallas, Texas. She is Texas's own blonde bombshell. She is high energy and fun and it comes through in her music. Lady Redneck is making a mark in the Texas Country market, as well as among Americana listeners. Texas country has largely been dominated by men.
Though she doesn’t necessarily look like a redneck, she has small town roots and little quirks that make her “Rednecky”. Lady Redneck’s songs are real. She writes about life.

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After the rain, you'll find the son

Am heutigen Montag, dem 14. März 22, ist Stephanie Lee aka Lady Redneck bei uns "zu Gast" und präsentiert ihre aktuelle Single "After the rain, you'll find the son". Mit Lady Redneck geht es bei uns zum ersten Mal in Richtung "Christian Country Rock".
"’s through the trials of life, the hardest things we go through, quite often that we draw near to the Savior...", sagt sie selbst. Es sind die harten Prüfungen des Lebens die dich dem "Retter" näher bringen und der dich mit offenen Armen empfangen und aufnehmen wird, so die Thematik zum Song. 
Musikalisch befinden wir uns im Universum Soft Rock meets Country Rock mit Lady Redneck im Mittelpunkt. Ihre Vocals zu Beginn emotional, beinahe zerbrechlich klingend, steigern sich von Takt zu Takt, um später euphorisch empor zu steigen, während die Leadgitarre, in der zweiten Hauptrolle, als ihr stetiger Schatten, sie begleitet. 
"After the rain, you'll find the son" by Lady Redneck, großartig vorgetragener "Christian Country Rock" und definitiv ein Genre in dem sie reüssieren kann und das ihr steht.

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