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‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta

‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta Nostalgic reflections, driven by the memory of youthful escapism that has captured the unbridled joy of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta is available to stream on numerous platforms from today.  The Rotor Delta is the music project of British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Jimmy Green from Lincoln, Lincolnshire.   He poetically describes the journey of a group of people who were rebellious, creative and free in their youth, but who never lost sight of the blows of fate and the emotional highs and lows of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ describes the dialectic between transience and permanence: while the moments of chaos and freedom fade, the emotions that shaped them remain indelible.  Musically, everything begins with Americana folk, then goes astray and oscillates between George Harrison and Bob Dylan, with the occasional flash of Roy Orbison. The guitar playing is also remarkable, providing additional ...
New Wave
Synth Pop

It's Friday! 18-03-22 OUT TODAY!

It's Friday! - OUT TODAY!

Every Friday we are surfin' thru' the World of Music to discover some Indie Gems and recommend respectively post those "Hidden Jewels" on our Blog. From now onwards we will try to post more of these artists (approx 10 every Friday), means that we can't review every song due to our limited time.
So we will go ahead with Artist, Song, Location, Spotify or Bandcamp Link and Social Media Links. Thanks a lot, give it a listen and follow the Artists. Here are our recommended songs!

Aridonis - "Hard Mode"

Location: Canada, Vancouver

skipping - "HARDCORE"

Location: United States, Los Angeles

Reach Divine - "Come Out My Firefly"

Location: United States, Madison, WI

Kirane - "memory"

Location: France

The Sugar Petals - "Ever The Optimist"

Location: United Kingdom, Hertford

Meghan Pulles - "Rabbit Hole"

Location: United States, Brooklyn

sarya - "will to live"

Location: United Kingdom, Edinburgh

Chet Bucke - "Leaving (Marie)"

Location: United Kingdom, London

NenesButler presents - Music Blog - Submit your Music 

Video of the WEEK! JBNG - "Disconnection" Official Music Video

#WatchNOW: "Infaltable e-Doll (Part One) by Carlos Ucedda"

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist