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Behind the Hedges: ‘Life in the Burbs’ by The Dream Chasers

‘Life in the Burbs’ by The Dream Chasers With ‘Life in the Burbs,’ Bridgette and Peter (aka The Dream Chasers) unfold the full range of their artistic creation. They take us on a journey through the suburbs, which includes not only the visible hedges and houses but also the hidden longings and dreams of their inhabitants. With a mix of melancholic reflection and life-affirming euphoria, they paint a multi-layered portrait. The musical accompaniment is as diverse as the emotions of the residents. From indie pop melodies that capture the quiet of a Sunday morning to powerful indie rock chords that reveal the hidden wildness behind the manicured facades, The Dream Chasers offer a soundtrack that both soothes and challenges the listener. The catchy riff in ‘Life in the Burbs’ acts as a musical guide that immediately captivates the listeners and takes them on an acoustic journey through the complex emotions of suburban life. It is the artistry with which this riff captures the essence

"Lay Down Low" by Gavin Fox

Gavin Fox is a singer-songwriter from Dublin

Gavin Fox

... is a singer-songwriter from Dublin, Ireland. His music spans Alternative Folk, Americana and Rock, with acoustic guitar at it’s heart. Each song tells a story. Some are personal. Some inspired by the stories of others. He has a unique sound. And, for those looking for more depth, there is meaning in every lyric.

Lay Down Low

"... having picked up the guitar for the very first time at the age of forty...", so Gavin. Der Song handelt davon, nicht auf die negativen Stimmen in unseren Köpfen zu hören. Stimmen die dich dazu bringen, sich verstecken zu wollen. Es geht darum diese Gefühle der Angst und Furcht hinter sich zu lassen, aufzustehen und offen darüber zu reden. 
Musikalisch ist Gavin Fox, Singer und Songwriter aus Dublin, meist im Genre Alternative Folk zu Hause. Eine gute Mischung aus Alternative Folk meets Americana, hätte ich es spontan bezeichnet, in der eine äußerst gut gelungene Instrumentierung, welche den Lyrics Leben einhaucht, sprich Emotionen mit auf den Weg gibt, den Künstler sehr authentisch wirken lässt
"Lay Down Low" by Gavin Fox ist mit Sicherheit eine Bereicherung für jede "Genre-Playlist" aber auch für jene die einfach gute Musik lieben bzw. suchen.

Photo credits: Eric Molimard

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