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‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album)’ by Shining Fields

‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds (Album)’ by Shining Fields Whenever the name Shining Fields is mentioned in connection with music, enthusiasts of ambient, drone, or experimental genres take notice. Now, the solo artist has released a new full-length album, which is also available on cassette. With ‘The Tower to Surpass the Clouds,’ the artist delves into Japan’s history, specifically the time around the Great Kantō Earthquake. This earthquake marked a tragic moment in Japanese history. It halted the slow process of cultural integration and amplified the sounds of militarization and nationalism. Foreigners, especially Koreans, were unjustly targeted by roving gangs. These gangs aimed to free Japan from foreign influence, which they perceived as a threat to the emperor’s power. In the days following the earthquake, anarchists Sakae Osugi and Noe Ito were pursued and executed by the military without trial. This incident became known as the Amakasu Incident. Emperor Taishō passed away i
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Firefly (Alternate Version)" by Alexander Joseph

Alexander Joseph

UK based singer-songwriter Alexander Joseph goes back to his roots on this guitar focused alt-pop track. His uplifting songs about overcoming obstacles have been a consistent theme throughout his previous work and he remains committed to channelling important & heartfelt messages through his music. 

BBC Introducing have picked up on this and shown great support in the past, selecting two previous songs as their tracks of the week. He’s also hugely passionate about sport, which was the inspiration behind his first EP ‘Anything Is Possible’ and is currently coaching on the British wheelchair tennis program.


Ein Künstler, Singer and Songwriter, der zu seinen Wurzeln zurückkehrt. Heute werfen wir einen Blick bzw. ein Ohr auf die neueste Veröffentlichung von Alexander Joseph. Im eigentlichen Sinne ist der Song "Firefly" nicht ganz so "brandnew", da er bereits als Dance Track, in einer Zusammenarbeit mit dem DJ/Producer "Rokuro", released wurde. Brandneu ist die „Alternative Acoustic Version“ die mit Heute erscheint. 
Sich in dunklen Momenten, an die zu erinnern welche in schweren Zeiten zu dir gehalten, dir "Licht" sprich Zuversicht und Trost gespendet haben, als Thema. Diese Thematik ist förmlich prädestiniert für einen Track im Genre Alternative/Acoustic Pop
Das Zusammenspiel von Vocals und Gitarre erzeugt eine romantische Lagerfeueratmosphäre die einen sofort gefangen nimmt und Vertrauen schafft
"Firefly" by Alexander Joseph, ein Track zwischen Leidenschaft und Romantik der den Hörer einlädt optimistisch in die Zukunft zu blicken. Nachfolgend gibt's noch einen kurzen Q&A part wo man mehr über den Künstler Alexander Joseph, seinen Talenten oder den Song erfährt.


Alexander Joseph is...?

Alexander Joseph is a songwriter and musician based in the UK, however also spends his time working in Paralympic sport overseeing the physical training programs of the British wheelchair tennis players
He's previously released several upbeat motivational tracks in support of various sports development initiatives as this is a big passion of his, having played tennis semi-professionally before turning to coaching. He's a self proclaimed coffeeholic and also a father of three (which is probably why he drinks so much coffee) so life is pretty busy!

Who inspired you to make music in general?

My uncle had a collection of incredible electric guitars and encouraged me to play in a school band plus my Dad would always be playing something wonderful and wacky at home or in the car, so this alongside listening to my fair share of Nirvana, Radiohead, Oasis and Coldplay growing up probably got the ball rolling...

What's the story behind your latest song "Firefly", respectively what was your inspiration?

Firefly was originally released as a dance track in collaboration with DJ/Producer 'Rokuro' and looks to capture the process of searching for and holding onto 'our light' during the darker moments in life (of which there have been a few recently). 
Rokuro had previously produced it as an instrumental track and it really caught my attention, so he gave me the freedom to add vocals and acoustic guitar to the mix. It was my first dance based project, however I couldn't help but record an acoustic version too!

What's in your opinion the most time intensive part of "writing a song"?

The lyrics for sure - I find the creation of melody the most natural part, however once I've identified the theme of a song it's then all about finding a way to really connect with it and hopefully with the listener too! 
I'll often revisit a song to tweak a word or phrase in an attempt to challenge my ability to rhyme or tell the story in a more interesting way.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Chris Martin

If you could change anything in the past, what would it be?

Giving up piano when I was a kid and Tottenham's loss in the 2019 Champions League final

At this moment what would be your "All time Top 3 Songs"?

Tough one as there are so many belters to choose from, but I'll go with 
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen, 
Champagne Supernova - Oasis and 
Fix You - Coldplay

What's your most useful talent besides music?

I can make a mean flat white, but probably tennis as it's taken me to places I never thought I'd go...

What’s next for you?

Another EP and potentially reconnecting with my old band members in the process! Watch this space...

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist