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‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta

‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta Nostalgic reflections, driven by the memory of youthful escapism that has captured the unbridled joy of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta is available to stream on numerous platforms from today.  The Rotor Delta is the music project of British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Jimmy Green from Lincoln, Lincolnshire.   He poetically describes the journey of a group of people who were rebellious, creative and free in their youth, but who never lost sight of the blows of fate and the emotional highs and lows of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ describes the dialectic between transience and permanence: while the moments of chaos and freedom fade, the emotions that shaped them remain indelible.  Musically, everything begins with Americana folk, then goes astray and oscillates between George Harrison and Bob Dylan, with the occasional flash of Roy Orbison. The guitar playing is also remarkable, providing additional ...
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Synth Pop

"Tell me so" by Gavin Fox

Gavin Fox

Gavin Fox

... is a singer-songwriter from Dublin, Ireland. His music spans alternative folk, Americana and rock, with acoustic guitar at it’s heart.
Each song tells a story. Some are personal. Some inspired by the stories of others. He has a unique sound. And, for those looking for more depth, there is meaning in every lyric.

Tell me so

Gavin Fox meldet sich zurück und bringt, nach "Lay down low", mit "Tell me so" bereits seinen nächsten Song, innerhalb von nur einem Monat, auf den Markt. Der Umgebung sprich dem Genre bleibt er treu, feinster Folk respektive Alternative Folk
Mehr miteinander ins Gespräch kommen, als wir es tun, nicht nur Floskeln der Höflichkeit austauschen, ehrliches Interesse an den Tag legen, in einer Welt in der man sich immer mehr voneinander zu entfernen scheint. So in etwa das Thema in einem kurzen Satz. 
Wer Gavin Fox bereits kennt, wird mehr als nur zufrieden sein, neue Hörer werden das Stück ebenfalls begeistert aufnehmen. "Tell me so" bringt vor allem Tiefe in den Lyrics, wie auch seine unverwechselbare Kombination "unique Vocals meets Acoustic" mit und zeichnet dabei ein gesellschaftliches Bild der Gegenwart, welches zum Nachdenken anregt
"Tell me so" by Gavin Fox, ein weiterer Geniestreich der die Erwartungen, in Bezug auf das bevorstehende Album, in die Höhe schraubt.


Who inspired you to make music in general?

I have a wide range of inspirations, but I was always drawn to artists who were authentic and who wrote lyrics with depth and meaning
Bob Dylan comes to mind. His music and vocals are never over-complicated. But there is magic in his lyrics. He is, in my opinion, the best lyricist of all time, a musical poet. It is this kind of writing that inspires me the most.

What's the story behind your latest release "Tell me so", respectively what or who was your inspiration?

The song is about checking in with each other a little more than perhaps we do. In a strange world, many people are going through their own personal battles each day. Despite the image they may portray to the outside world, some are privately facing difficult struggles inside their mind. 
It would be a real shame if you were to live your whole life and not know how much you were cared for or how much you matter. The right word, at the right time, can make all the difference. And a superficial “how are you?” is not what’s needed. That’s like dipping your toe in the water when someone is drowning. Sometimes we need to dive a little deeper.

As a singer/songwriter what's in your opinion the hardest part concerning "songwriting"?

Making sure you write from the soul. When I started writing, I sometimes naively scheduled time for writing and idea generating. Any time I did this, I wrote out of my head and the result was always poor.
For me, I would say you have to listen to your soul (whatever that is) and write what your deep inner voice is telling you. And, whenever you hear it, write. You have to connect with yourself on a deeper level first. When you do this, the songs almost write themselves.

What can we expect from your upcoming Album "Awakened"?

'Awakened' will be my debut album and I have poured my heart and soul into it. Musically, I think the listener will find variety. This was important to me. If people are willing to give the 45-minutes or so to listen to the album, I don't want them feeling like every song sounds the same. 
Lyrically, every song tells a story. Some are personal, some are inspired by the stories of others. All contain important messages, centred around a theme of being awakened - finding your true self and not being afraid to let your inner voice out.

What’s next for you?

When the album is released, I am looking forward to playing some live shows. To share the energy and vibe of the songs with a live audience will be special. And, as writing is a constant thing for me, I am sure I will be back in the studio in the not-too-distant future.

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