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"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend

"Streetlights Are Lonely" by Frend A wonderful breeze of alternative pop blows in from Liverpool and lands in our blog, so to speak, where it runs riot in synthwave style and occasionally exudes a touch of 80s charm. The musician calls himself Frend and impresses with fresh, nostalgic sounds. The soulful tale of a romantic encounter is the theme of his latest release, "Streetlights Are Lonely."   From snow-covered bridges to lonely streetlights that only wake up at night, he brings the narrative to life. The loneliness of the streetlights and the automatic holding of the other person suggest a fusion of loneliness and newly discovered intimacy, showing how fleeting and precious such moments are - humanly complex emotions between hope and melancholy. Musically, as mentioned at the beginning, we move in the New Synthwave genre of the 2020s and get our money's worth. The arrangements are varied, and the vocals characterize the mood and the entire song. "Stre...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Time" by What Kingdom

What Kingdom

... is a project that looks back and reflects on past and present times. A lighthearted take on young vs old and how things have changed over the years.
This UK producer has had a number of past releases under different aliases. Scott Marshall, Rutes and Secret Mystery School are just a few and can still be found on vinyl under top electronic labels like Third Ear Recordings, Macadam Mambo and Wrong Island Communication.

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Unser nächster Stopp, East Grinstead, UK, Heimat von "What Kingdom", das Solo Projekt von Philip Demuth, seines Zeichens DIY Artist. DIY bedeutet in diesem Fall "Everything has been created, produced or designed by the Artist". 
Seine Inspiration, der Blick auf die "Szene" insbesondere Clubszene, und wie sich die Zeiten im Laufe der Jahre geändert haben. Gesehen bzw. interpretiert aus dem Winkel eines "out of date" Ravers, mit der Genugtuung respektive dem Wissen das auch die, welche jetzt jung sind, in ein paar Jahren dieselbe Perspektive vor Augen haben werden. Und deswegen sagt er, "... enjoy it whatever age you are in life...“
Diese Thematik arrangiert und präsentiert der Künstler brillant, wie auch außergewöhnlich in einem Stilmix a la Alternative Art Pop meets Electro. Die erstaunliche Attraktivität des Stücks lässt sich in erster Linie auf die Vocals aber auch auf den signifikanten Soundcharakter zurückführen. Teils, eine Reminiszenz an die alten Tage, teils, Betrachtung der Gegenwart und Zukunft
"Time" by What Kingdom, no matter if it's the Past, the Present or the Future, enjoy your time - enjoy your age - enjoy your life! … and you will definitely enjoy the listening of this track!


What Kingdom is/are...?

What Kingdom is a solo project where I create everything myself. All the music, artwork and video are all written and arranged by me. We have everything at our fingertips in todays times so why not learn it yourself? 
As this is all quite new I haven’t got the money to spend on getting other people involved so I kind of got pushed into doing it all myself. Im glad it went that way in the end as I’ve learnt so much. Originally I was trying to get other vocalists to feature but getting people on board is not easy as a new artist. People are so busy in the end I just thought I’m gonna try and just do some vocals myself. This way you don’t have to wait around for anyone and its all down to you.

Who inspired you to make music in general?

Growing up I’ve always had the need to be creative. I wouldn’t say I had a much musical inspiration in my house but I’ve always had a big interest in arts especially sound. From a very young age I always remember recording songs off the radio onto cassettes and try not to get any of the talking from presenters in there. A kind of bad mixing where id try blending the songs. I guess you could say that was my early efforts at DJing… 
I’d play a number of instruments over the years but never really stuck with them. Then the whole pirate station record DJ scene came into my life so I straight away ditched the guitar and got into dance music. I always regret getting rid of my equipment as going full circle I’ve ended up buying a load of guitars and peddles all over again. 
I did buy some decks though and for me discovering electronic music changed my life. That underground scene was so inspiring to me. To see working class people like you and me starting movements and making history was amazing. It was a good time in music. Great memories.

What's the story behind your latest release "Time", respectively what or who was your inspiration?

This track is a look at the club scene and how times have changed over the years. Being middle aged, i’m comparing how it used to be when we would go out and now how everything has moved on and changed in the scene. 
An out of date raver that can’t keep up, always talking about the ‘good old days’! ..It’s really a lighthearted piss take on young vs old. We’re all gonna get there one day so just enjoy it whatever age you are in life..

What is your creative process like?

Over the years I’ve always gone in the studio and thought I’ve got the make a certain genre of music but with this project I wanted to just experiment a bit. I’ll start with a beat, play some instruments and see what happens? 
It’s amazing what you come up with when you just freestyle for a whileSometimes it works and sometimes you don’t get anything. It is quite hard when your on your own to get an idea going.. With a band you can all get into it together but when your on your jacks you just have to layer loads of ideas and see what works.? It can also get a bit complicated running all these machines together…especially the old ones.. They’re a pain in the ass to link up!

Everything has been created by yourself, what's the hardest part to be "Indie" in your opinion?

It’s gotta be the social media side of it. It’s such a big part of being an artist nowadays. I know its free promotion and a way to connect with other artist but constantly having to stare at your phone is not healthy. Also interacting this way really is not natural. You can’t properly express yourself through messaging. Meeting people in person is the only real way to get to know someone… But hey you can get out to so many more people around the world..

What's your most useful talent besides music?

Ive always been a good artist. Drawing was also a big thing for me growing up. I wish I had of done more at a later age but sometime you just decide to do different when getting older. I done a year in art college when I left school but first year out it was a bit of a mad one… 
When you get all that freedom you sometime don’t use it wisely. A lot of partying and not much studying… Things could be a lot different if I had of chosen that path..? Don’t regret it though as learnt a lot in them years.

At this moment what would be your "All time Top 3 Songs"?

Being a DJ, I’ll have a favourite tune for a while and then just get a bit bored of it and move to another discovery. I have to keep a constant flow of new music coming into my life, that’s why I love finding out about other artists I might have missed along the way. 
If I did have to choose though these are a few that Ill always go back to and put in the bag to play out…

Steeley Dan - Peg
MF Doom - Accordion
Sly Paul - Crazyer

What’s next for you?

So I’ve got a few more releases planned for this year but the main thing I’m looking at now is working on a live show. I still haven’t worked out how I’m going to work it but I think id like to really do with a band. 
At the moment it’s just me and a drum machine. Its good to fit into my sets but it will be so much better to get some other musicians involved.

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