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Electro-Pop’s Poet of Pain: Me & Melancholy Releases ‘Tears In The Rain’

‘Tears In The Rain’  by  Me & Melancholy Whenever there’s a new release from Me & Melancholy , it fills us with anticipation. This time, the artist paints a compelling portrait of human vulnerability and the complexity of interpersonal relationships.  ‘Tears In The Rain’ succeeds in capturing the essence of ephemeral beauty and the pain of the inevitable, expressing it through music. The dynamics of estrangement, articulated in the lines ‘I’m not able to reach you ’ and ‘ the more I try, the further I push you away ’, reflect a tragic irony. It feels like a dance of approach and withdrawal, prompting listeners to contemplate the paradoxes that often occur in our most intimate relationships.  The artist’s signature melancholic tone conveys a plea for acceptance and an attempt to bridge the gap created by misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Musically, Peter Ehrling navigates familiar territory, once again leveraging it to his advantage by capturing the emotional depth.   ‘Tears

"143" by Seiichi


... is a singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, and producer hailing from Seattle. The multi-faceted Japanese-American artist has been making waves in the past year, being featured by tastemakers worldwide such as Hertz Magazine, This Song is Sick and Swanodown.
Seiichi has performed at many of Seattle's top venues and is slated to perform at the city's premier music festival, Capital Hill Block Party, in Summer 2022. His music is introspective, intimate, and intriguing, seamlessly blending jazz, R&B, and acoustic influences to create a sound that is hard to put into words.


Heute bei uns am Plattenteller, sprich am Ohr, der Song 143 von Seiichi. Der Track ist Part der neuesten EP namens "Felix Culpa", welche vor kurzem erschien. Vom Stil her bewegt sich der Künstler, mehr als sicher, im Genre Indie Folk und wird Liebhaber dieses Genres begeistern, aber auch andere überzeugen. 
Thematisch erzählt Seiichi die Geschichte des Wiederaufflammens einer lang verlorenen Liebe und das erneute Fallen, wenn auch inmitten "nicht idealer" Umstände. Diese Thematik verpackt er gekonnt im Stile eines großen Singer and Songwriters und lässt dabei sein Können aufblitzen. 143 von Seiichi ist definitiv gelungen und sollte auf vielen Playlists seinen Platz finden bzw. haben.

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist