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A Lament for Existence: ‘The Flesh of Birds’ by E.G. Phillips

‘The Flesh of Birds’ by E.G. Phillips The new release ‘The Flesh of Birds’ by E.G. Phillips , one of our favourite composers, is an astute and sarcastic reflection on human relationships and the human condition.  With subtle irony, he illuminates the absurdities of life and highlights the contrasts between beauty and decay, hope and disappointment, instinct and intellect.   Like an archaeologist, he uncovers moments of apparent harmony and their inexorable decay, questioning the importance of possessions and relationships, as well as the fundamental nature of survival in a world oscillating between abundance and scarcity. In the end, he leaves us in a state of resignation and heightened awareness of the duality of existence.   The musical framework is once again his unmistakable Americana cello-folk style , which, like the lyrics, gets straight to the heart of the matter . E.G. Phillips once again proves to himself and to us just how absurd our existence often is.  D...
New Wave
Synth Pop

Q&A Today with Genevieve Sovereign - "Life Soaked Reveal (feat. Ben Tenison)"

Genevieve Sovereign

Genevieve Sovereign

... had a productive 2022, releasing her debut EP “It’s yours.” as well as deepening her network and collaboration opportunities – particularly through becoming Melbourne Coordinator for the Australian Songwriters Conference, and exploring cross-genre contributor prospects as a classically trained flutist.
Keeping that momentum strong, Sovereign has additionally teamed up to explore one of her earliest musical loves, electronic dance music, in a series of EDM / IDM singles releasing late 2022 and into 2023.

Who is the human behind the artist Genevieve Sovereign?

Genevieve Sovereign ( is the human behind the artist Genevieve Sovereign (, 100%! I mean that sincerely: I’m aiming for zero separation between my “self” as an artist and my “self” as a person just living life. All the art I create – across every medium dabbled in – attempts honest exploration of my expression as a human. Of course, my perceived success around that has sometimes been mixed (inescapable part of “being human” I guess!) but it’s the only way and reason for me to create artistically: To strive for truth across all my doing and being.
However! Aside from that giant philosophical ramble, a more historical backstory-type response is: I was born and raised amongst those gorgeous forested expanses of northwestern Ontario, Canada. The profound depth of meaning to be experienced amidst those tracts of natural beauty, and the foundations it laid within my heart and mind as a girl, have been a source of strength and inspiration throughout the intervening years. I’d say that really formed the bedrock underlying my life outlook, as well as my work across all expressive media I’ve explored – music, visual arts, writing and movement all.

How did you get into music, what were your first steps?

Genevieve Sovereign, Melbourne
I’ve always had eclectic tastes, and enjoyed all kinds of music from a young age. Picked up basic music theory during my school years, eventually learning concert flute during high school. I then went on to play both flute and piccolo in school bands and my city’s youth orchestra, before moving off to Toronto for universitywhere I played for a season in the pit orchestra of a campus musical comedy production, whilst simultaneously working part time and studying Engineering full time.
Life got busy attending uni in the big city though, especially once I took up running a campus-based art and creative writing magazine too! I actually stopped playing anything at all for more than a decade – until I found myself on the other side of the planet in Melbourne, Australia during its pandemic lockdowns of 2020. Ironically that’s when I got back into music, and started teaching myself guitar. After things opened up around here again, I began taking in-person guitar and singing lessons. I’m particularly keen to keep developing my voice, and exploring how it wants to evolve next!

"Life Soaked Reveal" sounds great and is dedicated to Luke Paulding, please let us know more about Luke and the song.

Thank you, I am delighted you’ve enjoyed listening to “Life Soaked Reveal” (!
As it happens, Luke Paulding and I first connected through a shared interest in martial arts and fitness. He didn’t seem to like talking about himself much at all though, and so it wasn’t until we’d been training together casually for some months that he first mentioned he was a composer! I was instantly fascinated and asked to hear some of his work, so he directed me to his SoundCloud page ( and it didn’t disappoint!
Knowing Luke and getting to hear his work was a big factor in reigniting my interest in music – as well as starting to explore creating my own. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now, without Luke’s influence and friendship. He was a truly beautiful human being, and is deeply missed.
The composition of “Life Soaked Reveal” is actually based on the very first instrumental concept track of Ben Tenison’s that I’d ever heard! I was captivated by it straightaway - there was just something about it that instantly took hold, and throughout subsequent weeks I listened to it on repeat as these snatches of lyric would seep through. Several months of collaboration and refinement later, and we’ve been delighted to offer “Life Soaked Reveal” into the world as it now exists!

You collaborated with Ben Tenison again, how is it to work with him and what makes this collaboration(s) so special?

Ben Tenison has crafted some of the most remarkable soundscapes I’ve heard, let alone had the privilege to work with. In my perceptions of it, his work is able to both exquisitely AND accessibly express… A kind of purity of intention, hope and high vibration that I rarely sense in other music currently being created. It’s a genuine honour, being in a position to try to channel through and encapsulate into coherent messages an essence of what I hear, seeking to be expressed through the musical concepts Ben puts forward.
And as you’ve mentioned, “Life Soaked Reveal” is in fact our second release together. The first one, “Vibration Angle” ( came out in November 2022, and we’ve got heaps more in the pipeline for release through coming months! Very excited to share them soon…

How do you decide that a song is ready for a release?

With me it’s about reaching an appropriate balance between time, resourcing and quality. I guess that’s my old professional background in business operations and project management weighing in, haha!
Nothing will ever be “perfect” of course, but ensuring I’m happy with the quality of what‘s released is paramount. Everything one puts into the world forms a base upon which future work can build or reference. So, one definitely wants to create with integrity at all times!
But in acknowledging that perfection is an illusion, the time and resources channeled into my work also need to be realistically allocated – as well as aligned to the goals and the environments I’m active in. Continuing to manifest what I feel driven to offer into the world is my guiding force… And that action, by its very nature, requires working with this world’s systems to the greatest effects that I’m able. :)

What was in your opinion the last big turning point in music history/industry?

Genevieve Sovereign, singer songwriter
I’m not sure I really understand this question... But maybe that’s just my way of seeing things? In a general sense, I perceive change as more like a continuum than a set of discrete points. Everything is changing all the time, but I suppose current times are seeing more change intensity than others have. Collectively our current state of flux is pretty huge, across the board – and of course, music is no exception. This is an incredible period to be alive and active in, everywhere you look! “The only constant is change,” they say…

Right now, in this second, what are your "All time top 3 Songs"?

Chicane “Saltwater” -
Chino Saturn “Quad Horizon” (specifically the acoustic version which seems available only on YouTube sadly) -
Ivana Santilli “Sun + Moon = Tomorrow” -

How did you come to Melbourne and what are the differences between Australia and Canada concerning the Indie music scene?

Funnily enough, I first migrated to Melbourne back in 2010 on a special visa as a recent Engineering graduate (major: Chemical Engineering; minor: Bioengineering) but quickly discovered that Australian employers in those sectors at that time had zero interest in someone with no Aussie work experience! So I ended up shifting into a more business-oriented career, which has worked out quite well fortunately.
I didn’t really become active in music here in Oz until fairly recently, as mentioned. So I’m not able to offer much genuine insight into the differences between here/now in Australia, and there/then back in Canada. I mostly just remember attending gigs with friends as a happy blur, in both countries, and generally had a fantastic time either way. ;)

Any chance to see you somewhere live on stage?

Someday hopefully! Writing, recording and generally upskilling are pretty much the extent of my music activities at present. I do hope to move into live performance at some point… Just need to figure out how and when to start exploring that fresh turf!

What are your plans for the new year?

I’ve got a heap of fresh songs I’m hoping to finalise, record and release over coming months – my own, as well as further collaborations with Ben and others! Definitely aiming to get more music out there, and looking forward to seeing what evolves organically from here on. Stoked for the coming year and beyond, that’s for sure!
I’d also like to invite anyone interested to share the journey with me, on my website at or by connecting through any of my platforms per – always love the adventure! xoxo Gen

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