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Please Insert Coin: ‘Games’ by The Octopus Division

‘Games’ by The Octopus Division If you love the 80s and don't know Matt Muncie (aka The Octopus Division), you've definitely missed something. But as it's never too late for good music, you can catch up on what you've missed anytime and almost anywhere.  The Octopus Division's latest work is called ‘Games’ and once again represents the decade of neon lights perfectly. The major sequences are classically chosen, and you'll be hooked from the start. Back in the world of arcade games, the song becomes an intense journey of self-discovery, describing personal growth. Timelessness and shared experiences emphasize the importance of interpersonal bonds. ‘Games’ creates a dreamy atmosphere that allows you to immerse yourself in another world and makes you think about the future - all because you pressed the start button.  The entire production clearly bears Matt's signature, with classic drums, synth arrangements, and above all, the usual concise vocal part, which...
New Wave
Synth Pop

"Out of the box" Electro oder tanzbarer Experimental Pop par excellence: "Of Elephants and Monsters (ft. Joana Negrão)" by Puder



Catharina Boutari aka Puder ist Musikerin, Performerin und Opernregisseurin. Sie betreibt mit Pussy Empire Recordings ihr eigenes feministisches Plattenlabel. Diverse Identitäten mit selbstverständlichem Verve in sich zu vereinen, hat Catharina, geboren in Österreich, als Kind eines ägyptischen Vaters und einer deutschen Mutter gelernt. Neben der Veröffentlichung von 6 Alben, 2 EPs und diverse Singles liebt es Catharina Theaterinszenierungen mit Musik aufzuladen.

"Of Elephants and Monsters"

Der Planet geht den Bach runter. Despoten haben Hochkonjunktur. Der Elefant im Raum, ist das toxische Denken und Handeln weißer alter Männer und Frauen. Diskriminierung, Ausbeutung, Rassismus und Ungleichheit werden immer weiter zementiert. Veränderung verhindert. 
‘Of Elephants and Monsters‘ ist die musikalische Erhobener-Mittelfinger Antwort darauf. On Point und scharf, eine Hommage an den Gesang von Nina Simone. Gebettet auf pulsierendem Electro-Pop. Tanzbar, out of the box, unerwartet, mit einem poetischen Intro von Joana Negrão.

"Of Elephants and Monsters" is a great piece of Art meets Experimental Pop, what's the story/the message behind the track?

The song is about the toxic thinking and actions of white old men and women. That’s the elephant in the room. And the monster is the cementation of discrimination, exploitation, racism and inequality as an outcome. 
'Of Elephants and Monsters' is my musical raised-middle-finger response to this, ‘cause I’m so tired of these old structures. I want them to stop and change. And I want it now.

Besides being an artist you also run the label "Pussy Empire Recordings", please let us know more about it, are you accepting submissions as well?

I started my own label ‘Pussy Empire Recordings’ as a young artist. Releasing my music and the music of friends. After one year I decided to specialize in releasing only FINTA artists. I want to support wo*men who have a clear vision and a strong call to go for their music. And I want to make wo*men in the fields of music business, where they are underrepresented, visible. 
That’s why I’m working with a female recording and mixing engineer (Linda Dağ from Hamburg), a female mastering engineer (Frida Claeson Johansson from Göteborg), a female videographer (Marie Krahl from Hamburg) and a female visual artist (Oriane Rondeau from France). Last year my label grew a lot and now it’s the home of six fe*male artists from Jazz over Indie to Punk. 
I’ll give my best to work sustainable and all production teams are gender balanced. And yes, I accept submissions though I’m still a one women show.

I have read about the "Puder Session Tapes", please tell us something about the creative process of this project.

In 2016 I wanted to write songs for my second Puder Album, but was so tired of sitting alone in front of my computer. After a night at new friends in Amsterdam, where one of them outed himself as a vinyl lover, DJjing old soul vinyls till 3am, I got so inspired by the musicians, playing a whole record side in one take and there was so much life in the music, that the next morning I came up with the concept of the ’Puder Session Tapes’: 10-Day writing sessions from scratch with international guests that end up in a live recording with audience direct in the recording room. 
Or as David Bowie said: “Always go a little bit further into the water than you’re feeling capable of going in. Go a little out in the depth and when you don’t feel your feet quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place for stunning excitement.”
I just came back from doing the live recording for my 7th edition with guests from the Netherlands (Eliën), Spain (Jorge da Rocha) and Portugal (St.James Park) at Future Echoes showcase festival in Sweden. It was amazing.

If you could select a venue or an extraordinary place for a concert, where would it take place?

Roundhouse in London would be a blast, or having a dessert session like the Queens of Stone Age.

The last artist who really impressed you was ....?

Nina Simone. I know her for a very long time, but dived deep into her music again recently. Billie Eilish for being so smart, gifted, cool and grounded. Kendrik Lamar for doing such great art with his music.

What can we expect from you in the future?

I’ll go on giving my best and more to write and perform great music. With my Session Tapes I want to grow bigger to invite famous musicians for my sessions. Last year I travelled a lot around Europe and 2023 started very well. Hopefully I’ll play at Westway Lab showcase festival in Guimarães in April and let’s see, what summer will bring
Big plans are in the making. And I want to get louder and louder, till the patriarchal bullshit is done and society is more fluid in every aspect. Not being narrowed by the male gaze.

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