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"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" von A.HerrMann

"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" Ein Liedermacher aus Lübeck, der von der Ostsee "geprägt" wurde, hat sich ein Herz, eine Gitarre und eine Schreibfeder genommen. Schreibfeder mag ein wenig übertrieben klingen, denn so alt ist der Herr(Mann) nun auch wieder nicht. Das Ergebnis war und ist sein Debütalbum "Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" , wie er es nennt.  A.HerrMann greift tief in seine "Seelen- und Geschichtenkiste" und verwandelt dieses Album in ein musikalisches Kleinod, bei dem vor allem seine Vergangenheit Regie führte. Großartige Texte in Liedform, die mich immer wieder aufs Neue begeistern. Es ist die Art der Wortwahl und natürlich die musikalische Umsetzung, die "Lebenslieder" zu etwas Besonderem machen. Wir haben uns ein paar dieser funkelnden Sterne herausgepickt, um euch diesen Longplayer, der nicht altert, schmackhaft zu machen.  Für den Anfang, und ich denke passend für alle Indie-Künstler, ist...
New Wave
Synth Pop

...about the process of letting go of the past : "Broken pieces" by Aiela Angela

Aiela Angela

Aiela Angela

..., a singer-songwriter who is known for the stories behind her music, continues to pave way into the saturated pop scene. Aiela delves into indie and contemporary pop music with her new release, "Broken Pieces," as she seamlessly blurs the lines between a variety of styles.
With her catchy melodies and expressive lyrics, Aiela Angela, who draws inspiration from pop stars like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift, breaks through the jam-packed pop scene. From her comforting vocals and imaginative concepts to the production quality, Aiela Angela does not disappoint if you like today's pop music.

Aiela, thanks a lot for your time, here we go with our first question. How does it feel to be back in the music business and what was the reason for your break?

Aiela Angela, Artist
Thank you for having me here. It's bizarre to be back. The last year has been crazy, with a lot going on in my personal life. I was doing music while trying to finish my studies, and the workload became too much at one point, so I had to stop doing music for a while. I did get my degree and a nursing license, which is fantastic, but because I miss music so much, here I am. It truly feels great to be back in the music scene. I've always loved music, and I can't imagine my life without it.

"Broken pieces" sounds great, as well as emotional, what's the story behind the track?

The song talks about the process of letting go of the past and evolving into a new person. Moving on and letting go is a difficult process, and I believe this song perfectly captures that process. As stated in the lyrics, "I wanna scream; over and over 'til I feel my skin" and "I'll break the screen; over and over 'til my truth is seen." 
I believe that the listeners could visualize the difficulties of letting go based solely on those lyrics. The line "A farewell to these broken pieces of me" at the end of the song seals the deal.

You collaborated with Machua Touchez, how was it to work with him?

Working with Machua is always a pleasure. I've been working with him for over a year, but it feels like only a month. He's always willing to experiment with sounds, which I appreciate. He also comes up with the most incredible production ideas. It's an easy process creating songs with him.

What three songs of yours should our readers listen to, to get a good overview of your music?

Aiela Angela, singer and songwriter
It's difficult to choose just three songs because each one has a distinct sound. But I think my song "Chances" is a great opener because it gives the listener an idea of how I write my songs. "Baby, I Know" would be the second as it shows that I enjoy experimenting with different production styles. Last but not least, "Broken Pieces" establishes my creative style in songwriting.

In January 2022, you told me that you are a dreamy person, did time change everything or are you still the same or in other words what's the big difference to 21/22?

I believe that time has changed a lot in me, particularly in how I perceive things, but I would still describe myself as a dreamer. The previous year taught me to know myself better, to comprehend the nuances of my emotions, and to dream bigger. I believe those changes have assisted me in writing more soulful songs. Songs that I hope will strike a chord with my listeners

...and finally, what's next for you?

The songs I've already written are being recorded on the side as I concentrate on writing new ones. I've had a lot of tracks in my pocket after being away from the music scene for a while. So maybe an EP or an album or more singles soon? Who knows? Only time will tell.

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