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"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" von A.HerrMann

"Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" Ein Liedermacher aus Lübeck, der von der Ostsee "geprägt" wurde, hat sich ein Herz, eine Gitarre und eine Schreibfeder genommen. Schreibfeder mag ein wenig übertrieben klingen, denn so alt ist der Herr(Mann) nun auch wieder nicht. Das Ergebnis war und ist sein Debütalbum "Lebenslieder - Acht bis neun ehrliche Lieder" , wie er es nennt.  A.HerrMann greift tief in seine "Seelen- und Geschichtenkiste" und verwandelt dieses Album in ein musikalisches Kleinod, bei dem vor allem seine Vergangenheit Regie führte. Großartige Texte in Liedform, die mich immer wieder aufs Neue begeistern. Es ist die Art der Wortwahl und natürlich die musikalische Umsetzung, die "Lebenslieder" zu etwas Besonderem machen. Wir haben uns ein paar dieser funkelnden Sterne herausgepickt, um euch diesen Longplayer, der nicht altert, schmackhaft zu machen.  Für den Anfang, und ich denke passend für alle Indie-Künstler, ist...
New Wave
Synth Pop

Listen carefully: "Hello Fellow" by Ella Fall

Ella Fall

Ella Fall

... is from the mountains. From a place far away from the fast and loud world surrounding us. A place where there’s room for all the stories and secrets we bury deep in our minds. She left for a journey to leave her darkest moments behind to get over things you can’t change or to change things, when you think a change is impossible. 
She challenges us to look closer and listen more carefully - and seeks to find the people, who share a similar story and are ready to accompany her on her way.

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Hello Ella, thanks for your time and we start directly with our first question, how would you describe the artist Ella Fall concerning the music you create?

Once Ella was very broken and heavy hearted due to lot reasons which happend in her life. The music is sometimes dark and melancholic, but also full of hope. All the sad and tragical experiences are transformed into music. So she can live a happier life today.

How did you get into music or what were your first steps?

My family was quite musically. Singing was always there. I started with flute. At three I saw an orchestra on Television and was very impressed. Since then, I´ve wanted to play the violin, which I still do today.

"Hello Fellow", your first release, sounds very dark as well as emotional, what's the story behind?

Actually, you can project any bad situation or story in that song. The main thing is getting strong and conscious enough finding a way getting out of it. In this case it‘s for a friend. She was betrayed by her boyfriend for many times over a long period of time and found her way out, finally.

Your second release, "Bit of the Waste", another great tune, I'd say, takes the same direction, please let us know more about your songwriting process.

“Bit of the waste” was a result of a flashback on a bad situation I experienced. Like a nightmare. Actually, I wrote down my thoughts in that situation. They came naturally and easily. Weeks later, I was still caught up in the flashback and I needed to let it go. So I did how I´ve ever done in that situations and sat down at the piano, developed a melody for vocals and searched for the chords on the piano. With this idea I went into the studio.
Together with Chris Kling, my producer, we thought about how we could make it sound like nightmare but still hopeful. ( You see, my main message is hope, always) We tried several synths, recorded my violin and the old out of tune Römhildt piano and sampled the recordings. 
Then we put a beat underneath and recorded backing vocals. Chris disappeared for a few nights in the studio, then I had the result as you can hear it now. I owe a big part of it to him.

What was in your opinion the last big "revolution" in music?

For me it was Radiohead always, with every new album 😊

I have read about "upcoming singles", what can we expect from?

In a couple of days on the 28th of April I´ll be releasing the music video on “Bit of the waste” on YouTube. I´m very looking forward to it.
Further there two more singles planned during the year. A very calm one with vocals and piano, and another one, which was recorded with live band in the studio. The first one of my singles you might be able to dance on it, haha ;)

...and last but not least, something completely different, how does a perfect day look for Ella Fall?

A good hike on an early summer day in the mountains, fresh air, smell of mountain flowers and soft wood. Silence. Mountain view and no people around, except the ones I love.

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