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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 22.Feb.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 Houston Single Audio Channel 2 Lord Knows I'm Trying Stephen McCafferty 3 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 4 Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 5 The Last Call Dead Orchards 6 HOMETOWN Emergency Break  7 Alone John Consalvo 8 Games The Octopus Division 9 Nous étions heureux - Yul Remix Sylvain Hellio , Yul 10 KaDeWe LINA RE$A 11 Give Me Your Power Pouvoir Magique, la Vilaine Gugu 12 Wias weidageht inalied 13 Come Again tOOjim 14 Die Alive Shakkalo 15 Take Your Time Mary Strand 16 Lost Dj Remo 17 Oriental Angel (Live) The Frenchy Captains 18 Tin Foil Hat The Sex Guys 19 South Park (Vocal Version) Matthew Mirliani 20 Champagner Tag DichtBoi
New Wave
Synth Pop

The bittersweet taste of "Naked Champagne": A song about a fragile connection!

Nathalie Weider

Nathalie Weider not your typical Swiss singer-songwriter. She sings honest German pop music that bursts with passion and emotion. Her album, «Wegkreuzer», is a roller coaster of life-changing moments, thrilling highs and crushing lows. Nathalie never compromises her authenticity, but she loves to experiment with new sounds and styles. 
Her home-made tracks like «U-Boot» showcase her creativity and versatility. In the next two years, she will collaborate with musicians from Vienna and Paris, and explore different languages and genres. Don’t miss her heart project «Westbahnhof» - a German-English tribute to Falco, her debut French song «Boîte Magique» and her new single «Naked Champagne».

Which artists, genres or experiences have shaped your musical style and identity?

My music taste when listening myself is very broad. So, I also always take inspiration from all kind of other songs/artists/genres. To name some musicians specially: Heather Nova, Rosenstolz and Falco.
In addition to inspiration from famous musicians for me the exchange and cooperation with musician friends from different genres is a big source for me. So you could call most of my songs German pop songs – however, the musician playing on the newer ones are for example members of a psychedelic blues rock band from Vienna (Portobello Express, who did the guitars on “Naked Champagne) or a great musician from Paris (Philippe Perelman). I think such cooperations gave my musical style and identity another extra growth and power.

What or who inspired you to create your latest release or in other words what's the story behind “Naked Champagne”?

The song is about a couple which is not really a couple but still more than just an affair. Both don’t know how to define what they have but they somehow remark that it could be over anytime. So the decide in that moment to celebrate once again what they have. In short: it’s a song about champagne and sex😉

How do you balance your creative expression and experimentation with the feedback and trends of your audience or the industry?

There was a time when I really focused on what radio stations and other so-called experts in the German speaking countries said – what I thought made sense having most of my songs in German. There were also many discussions about boxes and styles of music where my voice should fit in or not. That was rather exhausting and also impeded my creativity and trust in myself in some ways.
During the pandemic I started connecting myself with musicians and creative people all around the world (first only digitally, meanwhile I met some in person and also gained great friends). I found great exchange there, expended my network but also my audience, and became myself more experimental with my music. So I started mixing languages for example, and included great musician friends in my productions. And: I got more good feedback than ever, internationally. It’s just great to hear that my songs (also the totally German ones) are played and listened to all around the world.
In short: Since I have given a shit on boxes, I love even more what I do, have a fabulous network and a wider audience.

What are the opportunities and challenges of being an independent artist in the current music scene?

I like being independent and to take my own decisions what also happened more and more in my music. So whereas I worked as a teenager with record companies, producers and managers, I meanwhile do everything on my own, including distribution, marketing, all the legal stuff etc. And that’s good. 
However: the problem is that sometimes I have the feeling I spend more time with “administrating” music than with making music. So the challenge often is to find enough time and space for the creative part.

How do you cope with the pressure, competition or criticism of being a musician?

As I am my own “music boss” I can control the pressure myself😉 Regarding competition: I think musicians should support each other and not compete. Within the last 3 three years I experienced a lot of support.
Criticism is - as long as it is constructive – sometimes necessary to make further steps forwards, independent from if you follow the advices or not. Because even if you do not agree, it makes you think about yourself and perhaps your decisions become even more convinced. 
What I hate is when people talk about something they never even have listened to. So for example if somebody judges about my music style, while the last time he listened to anything from me is thirty years ago.

What are some of the goals or dreams that you have as an artist?

Of couse, it would be great if there once would be a relevant income from music. However, much bigger is the wish just to continue and experience many more of these great moments of being an musician be it while songwriting, producing or on stage and share these moments with people you like and having the same passion.

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