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About the inescapable burden of life: "Feed" by pMad

"Feed" by pMad The inescapable burden of life and deep inner pain - welcome to ‘Feed,’ the new single from pMad . Paul Dillon presents himself as thoughtful as never before in this new song, describing the visible and invisible scars that our existence leaves behind.   Feelings of hopelessness make escape almost impossible. ‘ No escape if you can't hide ’ sounds like a quiet decline, emphasizing the inevitability of these struggles if they are not confronted directly. Critical statements such as ‘ The life of a value is worth more than the value of a life ’ question the priorities of our society, which often places material values above human life, emphasizing how overwhelming the burden and responsibility of life can be.  Despair and the inner struggle on the horizon show the need to prioritize the true value of life over material values and to fight on despite the darkness and overwhelming challenges, ultimately finding meaning and significance in the here and now. ...
New Wave
Synth Pop

Wuzy Bambussy and Kat Harrison Deliver a Jaw-Dropping Rock Song with "Just Shy of Why"

Wuzy Bambussy

“Just Shy of Why” by Wuzy Bambussy & Kat Harrison [DE]

“Just Shy of Why” ist eine berauschende Roadtrip-Rock-Hymne, die rasante Riffs mit einer bombastischen Bläsergruppe verbindet, angeheizt von einer raffinierten Rhythmusgruppe und der schwebenden Stimme der Bristoler Sängerin Kat Harrison. Textlich erzählt der Song von einem chaotischen Beziehungsabbruch, der Befreiung und "Wiedergeburt" den Weg ebnet, die fast auf offener Straße auf die Hörer lauern. Diese werden akustisch gefangen genommen und in Bann gezogen. Die neue Single von den beiden Protagonisten schaffte es wieder zu überraschen und einen perfekten Eindruck von ihrem Schaffen zu hinterlassen. Wuzy Bambussy und Kat Harrison darf man sicher als eine der Neuentdeckungen 2023 feiern.

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“Just Shy of Why” by Wuzy Bambussy & Kat Harrison [EN]

“Just Shy of Why” is a jaw-dropping road trip rock anthem that blends fast-paced riffs with a bombastic brass section, boosted by a sophisticated rhythm section and the angelic voice of Bristol singer Kat Harrison. The song reveals the story of a chaotic relationship breakdown that unlocks liberation and rebirth, which are ready almost on the open road for the listeners. They are captivated by the sound and mesmerized. The new single from the two indie artists stuns again and leaves a perfect impression of their genius. Wuzy Bambussy and Kat Harrison are absolutely one of the discoveries of 2023!

Video of the WEEK! MICALL - "Greener (Official Lyric Video)"

#WatchNOW: Janeuary - "Black into white (Official Video)"

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist