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The deep longing for emotional revelation: ‘Black Into White’ by Janeuary

‘Black Into White’ by Janeuary We hope everyone has arrived safely in 2025 and is once again showing the great interest that indie music desperately needs, as has been the case in recent months and years.  Although our first song is still from the old year, it is by no means old. Its name fits the current month, and its music fits the blog. We're talking about Janeuary, whose latest release is ‘Black Into White’.  The mood is melancholy and dramatic. The vocals are reminiscent of Adele and are musically in the same vein. Janeuary's vocal part makes almost everything around it fade away but is repeatedly fueled with enormous depth and emotion by the orchestral instrumentation.   In terms of content, ‘Black Into White’ resembles a poetic metaphor in which the inner darkness of the individual is lifted by the calming and illuminating presence of a loved one. The recurring motifs of doors and colors immediately suggest a deep longing for emotional revelation and the longed...
New Wave
Synth Pop

#DiscoverNOW: “Punkt.” by Nathalie Weider

“Punkt.” by Nathalie Weider

From the Big Apple to the City of Music, some artists cross the pond and find their muse, just like Sting was an Englishman in New York. Nathalie Weider is one of them, a Swiss lady in Vienna who sings her heart out in her new single “Punkt.” The song is a love letter to a dear one, and a musical adventure with her talented friends. And guess what? It’s her first song in the Viennese dialect, a language that she has embraced as a “part-time Viennese”. 
She says that Vienna has filled her with inspiration and energy for many years, and that she wanted to try something new and daring. She hopes that her listeners will enjoy her linguistic journey, and feel the passion that she put into this song.

Nathalie Weiders “Punkt.” ist eine Offenbarung ihrer Gefühle im Wiener Dialekt, einer Sprache, die sie als “Teilzeit-Wienerin” kultiviert hat. Das Lied ist pur und authentisch, aber mit viel Sensibilität und Integrität. Sie gesteht der Person, wie sehr sie sie schätzt, wie glücklich sie ist, bei ihr zu sein, und wie sehr sie sich wünscht, dass sie dieselbe Empfindung teilt. Sie schließt das Lied mit einem “Punkt.”, was bedeutet, dass dies ihre ultimative und unumstößliche Liebesbekundung ist. 
Das Lied ist eine wunderschöne und rührende Gabe der Dankbarkeit und Zuneigung für die Person, die sie zum Schreiben angeregt hat. Musikalisch tendiert sie dieses Mal in Richtung Indie Rock meets Songwriter, in dem auch die involvierten Musiker, Robert "Bert" Baumgartner (Drums und Piano), Andy Abraham (Bass) und Patrick "Slowhand" (Gitarren) ihr Talent demonstrieren.

Video of the WEEK! MICALL - "Greener (Official Lyric Video)"

#WatchNOW: Janeuary - "Black into white (Official Video)"

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist