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A Séance of Sound: Verlatour’s Album ‘Immersion’ Conjures Otherworldly Beats!

‘Immersion (Album)’ by  Verlatour He’s a mad scientist who is awakening beats to life , and this time, he’s summoning the electronic gods to dance with mere mortals. Like a possessed maestro in a dimly lit warehouse, he lets the synthesizer wail, its oscillators and filters crafting a symphony of electronic sound that reverberates off the concrete walls, creating an atmosphere of magic.  The air crackles with anticipation, and Verlatour’s essence streams from the threads of pleasure-seeking and electronic vibes. Envision a progeny born of Daft Punk and Blade Runner’s union, nurtured by Kraftwerk’s hand amidst a vessel aglow with neon, dancing through the cosmos to the rhythm of the stars. Such is the quintessence of his musical creation.  His vocals? Sublime. They wrap around your brain like a velvet boa constrictor, squeezing out every ounce of inhibition. You’ll tap your feet, wiggle your head, and you’ll lose yourself in the void between dimensions. Because Verlatour opens these p

The Genre-Bending Power of “In&Out” by FANTAST!


"In&Out" by FANTAST

Their aspiration was to investigate the quintessence of beauty. They equated beauty with the instances of ecstasy that illuminate existence. By being cognisant of these instances, we engage in a perpetual dialogue with ourselves and our milieu. We feel acknowledged and involved. 
This conundrum stimulated FANTAST, a musical venture by the two siblings Mario and Daniel Gschwendtner, to devise an extraordinary musical scenery: cadenced electro hip-hop, augmented with superior sound design. “In&Out” embodies this genre amalgamation, which enables the energy to flow among the styles.

How did your passion for music begin and what are the main influences behind your musical style?

My brother and I have played together in various bands. In our youth we listened to a lot of alternative rock and punk music. Over time we broadened our musical horizon and tried to find our own sound with FANTAST. But music has always been a very important part of our lives.

What was the inspiration behind your latest release, "In&Out", and what's the story behind it?

First I had the idea for the bassline, which is also the basis of the track. The intention behind it was to create a track that you can also dance to. The idea for the lyrics came from the onomatopoeic sketches that I tried out over the instrumental. I often take an intuitive approach first and see where the journey takes me.

Nowadays, songs tend to have a playtime of 2 minutes. Do you think that's enough to "tell the story"?

I think you can say everything in 2 minutes. The best example are hardcore punk songs. Even though we ourselves have not yet recorded a song of this length. But who knows maybe we will soon!

Is there any possibility of seeing you live on stage somewhere?

Yes we are planning to play live as much as possible this year and are very grateful for any help or contact.

How do you use social media to connect with your fans and grow your audience?

I think social media has become an integral part of the music scene. Even if I'm very critical of it myself because it takes up a lot of time and energy.

What are your goals for 2024?

We plan to release another EP this year and play live as much as we can!


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