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Caught Between Reality and Reverie: “Woman in the Window” by Elizabeth Cuite

“Woman in the Window” by Elizabeth Cuite “Woman in the Window” emerges like a delicate mist, its tendrils weaving through the listener’s senses. In the quietude of indie-folk, Elizabeth Cuite’s artistry blooms, inspired by the shadows of unfulfilled promises and the ache of longing. Each note is a dab of color on a canvas of emotions, and the resulting work is both haunting and exquisite.  The guitar strings resonate like whispered secrets, and Cuite’s voice, clear yet imbued with vulnerability, paints vivid scenes. The musical arrangement moves with delicate precision, honoring the essence of the story. The gentle plucking of the acoustic guitar echoes softly, akin to the sound of steps traversing an old wooden floor. Cuite’s poetic prowess writes tales of missed opportunities, of paths not taken, and of love that lingers like a half-remembered melody. Her words are fragile, yet they carry entire musical universes within.  Elizabeth Cuite blends indie-pop nuances with folk, creatin

Lost Love & Pain: “Sometimes” by Leepeck



..., the artistic pseudonym of Piotr Lipka, is a versatile musician from Warsaw, Poland. He has a rich musical background, having refined his skills as a composer, songwriter, and vocalist. He launched his solo career in 2017, after co-founding the band Bohema. His debut album, ‘Borderline’, received praise from both critics and fans, and demonstrated his distinctive fusion of indie, pop, and rock genres. He has also performed at various festivals, such as Indie Week in Toronto, Canada, where he captivated the audience with his live charisma and talent.
What distinguishes Leepeck from other musicians is his ability to surmount linguistic barriers. His songs, written and sung in English, have been broadcast on radio stations around the world, from his native Poland to the USA, Great Britain, France, Canada, and Israel. His music transcends cultural differences and appeals to listeners from all walks of life. Leepeck is a musical phenomenon who speaks the universal language of music.

How did you develop a passion for music, and what factors influence your musical style and identity?

When I was a little boy my dad listened to old American songs very often. I was 3 or 4 when I heard Elvis and Johnny Cash for the first time. I instantly fell in love with their voices and wanted to be like them. Although there were two or more generations between us. Over the years I discovered Dylan, Neil Young, The Doors, Beatles, Stones etc. Storytelling is what I like the most.

What inspired you to write your song “Sometimes”?

Leepeck, Poland
Lost love. Pain. Feeling lonely I guess. I wrote it together with my friend but we do not talk anymore. So the song is kind of goodbye theme as well.

This song is from your debut album “Borderline”. How has your songwriting evolved since 2017?

I am trying to add more depth to my songs, layers, emotions. But there are many changes that just happen I will probably notice them in the future when I look back at my life as an artist.

What are the main sources of inspiration for your songs, and what are the biggest challenges you face as a songwriter?

I love to experience. I am always ready to throw myself in at the deep end. Many times I got burned many times but all things that happened give me inspirations to create and courage to go forward. The biggest challange is to stay on your path no matter what people say.

If you could choose any venue for a concert, where would you like to perform?

Leepeck, Singer and Songwriter
Oh, I always loved small venues. And this refers to me as a performer but also as a spectator. I think I would like to perform in some small venue in Greenwich Village in 1962.

Who would be your ideal interlocutor for a musical discussion, regardless of whether they are alive or dead?

Oh, I think I could talk to Mozart. I'd love to show him XX century music like Elvis, Beatles, Michael Jackson :) I'd love to talk to Dylan or John Lennon.

Which song do you wish you had written, and why?

Yesterday. I'd be very rich ;) And the song is a masterpiece. Or Like A Rolling Stone. This one is magical. Like the aura of those days.

What are your objectives for 2024?

I have lots of plans. Recordings, gigs. I hope someday I'd be able to tour the world and have everywhere in the world a bunch of fans to play for :)

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