‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta
‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta Nostalgic reflections, driven by the memory of youthful escapism that has captured the unbridled joy of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ by The Rotor Delta is available to stream on numerous platforms from today. The Rotor Delta is the music project of British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Jimmy Green from Lincoln, Lincolnshire. He poetically describes the journey of a group of people who were rebellious, creative and free in their youth, but who never lost sight of the blows of fate and the emotional highs and lows of life. ‘The Boys from Waterloo’ describes the dialectic between transience and permanence: while the moments of chaos and freedom fade, the emotions that shaped them remain indelible. Musically, everything begins with Americana folk, then goes astray and oscillates between George Harrison and Bob Dylan, with the occasional flash of Roy Orbison. The guitar playing is also remarkable, providing additional ...