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Escapism & the Search for Identity: ‘Thorns’ by WARTERAUM

‘Thorns’ by WARTERAUM WARTERAUM had withdrawn from the limelight for a while, but as the saying goes, ‘Good things come to those who wait.’ Now they’re back, not as a solo project, but as a duo, sounding better than ever.    Their latest release, ‘Thorns,’ serves not only as a preview for their EP but also as an auditory laboratory.   The sonic landscape was crafted using an experimental approach, incorporating various feedback and distortion techniques. The result of this creative alchemy is deep bass tones that captivate the listener, vocal-like elements reminiscent of mysterious chants from another dimension, and sonically atonal percussion that challenges and fascinates the ear. Taking this direction was a bold step beyond conventional boundaries, giving ‘Thorns’ its unique and expressive character. The vocals impress once again : dark, mysterious, and impactful.  The lyrics revolve around escapism, the search for identity in a chaotic world, and existential inner struggles th
New Wave
Synth Pop

Hope meets Reality: ‘New Year’s Day’ by Christine Tarquinio

‘New Year’s Day’ by Christine Tarquinio

In the expanse of Melbourne, Australia, Christine Tarquinio unfolds her creative soul. Today is the day once again: she presents her latest single, ‘New Year’s Day.’ Some may question the choice of season, but for true music lovers, time is merely a sideshow. Personally, I consider this release to be Tarquinio’s crowning achievement so far, although tastes, of course, can vary.
Christine Tarquinio
Thematically, Christine delves into the thoughts and emotions of this special day. She has a unique way of conveying the feeling of hope and anticipation that makes New Year’s Day a singular moment in the year. However, over time, the daily grind catches up with us, and we find ourselves trapped in the hamster wheel of routines or conforming to norms. The realization that it’s the small moments in life that give reality its peaks becomes tangible, but the journey there is often long.
Musically, Christine Tarquinio truly embodies this song, captivating us with her passionate vocal performance. Together with producer Daniel Nieberg, who produced, mixed, and mastered ‘New Year’s Day,’ they create an acoustic experience that takes the listener into a sonic depth, beautifully complemented by the vocals. And so, Christine Tarquinio enchants and inspires us today with a ‘New Year’s Day’ in the (european) summer.


Artists of the Week! - The Playlist