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"Brujeria" by blxckflamingo

"Brujeria" by  blxckflamingo  As soon as I read about new darkwave projects, I just have to listen to them, and I'm usually not disappointed.  This is also the case with blxckflamingo from New Jersey, who have released a 3-track EP called "Attic Tracks", on which "Brujeria" stands out once again.  The song is a dark, poetic reflection on passion, devotion, and the destructive aspects of desire and pain.  A mystical, almost occult atmosphere is created with pictorial descriptions such as "witches’ ball" and "mystical rain" , which keeps you caught between attraction and self-destruction. blxckflamingo succeeds with "Brujeria" in creating a powerful expression of inner chaos and longing.  Musically, you can look forward to excellent cold darkwave that indulges in a post-punk renaissance. Gothic traits round off the track, making it a must for genre lovers as well as music enthusiasts who venture into the darkness. The acco...
New Wave
Synth Pop

Refined neon electro house: ‘ICU’ by Luke Tangerine & Kate Pending

‘ICU’ by Luke Tangerine & Kate Pending

Luke Tangerine's output this year has been enormous, and he is not going to miss the opportunity to top it up just before Christmas. ‘ICU’ is the name of the new electro meets house music banger, which is almost unbeatable in terms of elegance. In this collaboration between Luke Tangerine and Kate Pending, both are in top form. One reason for this is certainly that both are masters of their craft and don't think in terms of genre boundaries. 
‘ICU’ by Luke Tangerine & Kate Pending
‘ICU’ manages to get stuck in my ear canals immediately, and not just because of the 80s/90s tendency that is definitely there. It's the combination that creates this. Synth aesthetics combined with a drum machine that plays up its retro charm and an irresistible bassline make for a soundscape that may sound a little vintage, but definitely has the strengths of the present. 
In this fascinating soundscape, in which there are so many inconspicuous details to discover, Kate Pending seems to feel extremely comfortable. Her performance develops an independence that clings to the brilliant instrumental as if yin and yang had found each other. With a sophisticated naturalness, she radiates an exclusivity that gives the track the flair that makes this collaboration not just shimmer, but shine. 
With ‘ICU,’ Luke Tangerine and Kate Pending put a song under the Christmas tree that we have been wishing for. Refined neon electro house music, you might be tempted to say!

Luke Tangerine

Kate Pending

‘ICU’ by Luke Tangerine & Kate Pending [DE]

Der Output von Luke Tangerine war dieses Jahr enorm, und er lässt es sich nicht nehmen, kurz vor Weihnachten nochmals nachzulegen. „ICU“ heißt der neue Electro meets House Music Banger, der in Sachen Eleganz beinahe nicht zu toppen ist. 
In der Kollaboration von Luke Tangerine und Kate Pending agieren beide in Bestform. Ein Grund dafür ist sicher, dass beide ihr Handwerk beherrschen und nicht in Genregrenzen denken. „ICU“ gelingt es, sich sofort in meinen Gehörgängen festzusetzen, und das nicht nur aufgrund der 80er/90er Tendenz, die definitiv vorhanden ist. Es ist die Kombination, die dies hervorruft. 
Synth-Ästhetik in Verbindung mit einer Drum-Maschine, die ihren Retro-Charme ausspielt, und eine unwiderstehliche Bassline sorgen für eine Klangkulisse, die zwar etwas vintage klingen mag, aber definitiv die Stärken der Gegenwart besitzt. In dieser faszinierenden Soundszenerie, in der es so viele unscheinbare Details zu entdecken gibt, scheint sich Kate Pending äußerst wohl zu fühlen. 
Ihre Performance entwickelt eine Eigenständigkeit, die sich am brillanten Instrumental anschmiegt, als hätten sich Yin und Yang gefunden. Mit einer mondänen Selbstverständlichkeit strahlt sie eine Exklusivität aus, die dem Track das Flair verleiht, welches diese Kollaboration nicht nur schimmern, sondern strahlen lässt. 
Mit „ICU“ legen uns Luke Tangerine und Kate Pending einen Song unter den Weihnachtsbaum, den wir uns gewünscht haben. Sophisticated Neon Electro House Music ist man fast gewillt zu sagen!

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