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"Awake In The Night (Album)" by fake plastic

"Awake In The Night (Album)" by fake plastic They move skilfully between post-punk, indie rock, and alternative rock, and prove with their album "Awake In The Night" that they have brought a musical enrichment to old-school garage punk rock. fake plastic are back on NenesButler and present a long-player with 11 songs that has it all. The introduction with "Pale Moon" is extremely rhythm-oriented ; the drums take centre stage together with the vocals and are somewhat reminiscent of The Stranglers. "I Want In" is passionately rocking and impresses with its riffs. The third song, "Waiting/Working", confirms their musical range and ventures into the territory of classic rock meets folk rock. As with its two predecessors, the chorus is once again a highlight. With "Riptide", we stay a little in the early '70s - note the fantastic riff - only to realise enthusiastically that fake plastic have a terrific '80s-style choru...
New Wave
Synth Pop

‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’ by Stephen McCafferty

‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’ by Stephen McCafferty

Somewhere between the burden of the past and the hopeful future, there is a space, a time, in which you find yourself at the crossroads of the present, so to speak. Stephen McCafferty addresses this feeling in his new single ‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’ and describes how the range of emotions changes. 
‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’ by Stephen McCafferty
You let go, perhaps look back at the broken pieces that you have left behind, or that have been left behind, and fluctuate between self-doubt, which is slowly diminishing, while you can also already feel the optimism of the new. This newness is so exciting that you take the first steps that you wouldn't have dared to take, but that you know you have to take. And even if they are not immediately visible: ‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’. 
Musically, Stephen McCafferty gives the lyrics space and ensures that what is meant to be heard is heard with his instrumentation and performance. The result of this interplay, in which each cog meshes with the other, is a song that reaches its climax in the chorus and from then on no longer looks back, but has the strength to carry on, even if you know that it won't always be easy. 
‘Lord Knows I'm Trying’ is a song in which lyrics and musical realisation go hand in hand, making it enormously expressive. Stephen McCafferty is developing splendidly and we know that he is not only trying, but also succeeding!

NenesButler - Indie Music Blog

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