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"Awake In The Night (Album)" by fake plastic

"Awake In The Night (Album)" by fake plastic They move skilfully between post-punk, indie rock, and alternative rock, and prove with their album "Awake In The Night" that they have brought a musical enrichment to old-school garage punk rock. fake plastic are back on NenesButler and present a long-player with 11 songs that has it all. The introduction with "Pale Moon" is extremely rhythm-oriented ; the drums take centre stage together with the vocals and are somewhat reminiscent of The Stranglers. "I Want In" is passionately rocking and impresses with its riffs. The third song, "Waiting/Working", confirms their musical range and ventures into the territory of classic rock meets folk rock. As with its two predecessors, the chorus is once again a highlight. With "Riptide", we stay a little in the early '70s - note the fantastic riff - only to realise enthusiastically that fake plastic have a terrific '80s-style choru...
New Wave
Synth Pop

‘Brown Eyes’ by Oscar Anton

‘Brown Eyes’ by Oscar Anton

In his new release, Paris-born artist and producer Oscar Anton presents himself as fragile, delicate, and reserved, almost shy, and invites the listener into a world full of emotion - his world of emotions. 
‘Brown Eyes’ by Oscar Anton
He addresses the fragility of romantic relationships and reflects on the profound effects of intimate connections in his work ‘Brown Eyes’. He illustrates the pain of the end of a relationship and the need to find new strength to move on. Oscar Anton uses vivid storytelling and introspective reflections to encourage the listener to recognize the transient nature of life and the transformative power of love and loss. 
The instrumentation emphasizes the fragile intimacy of the moment, with the vocals getting under the skin and touching the listener even more. The listener senses an emotional ambivalence that manifests itself in the turmoil between the need to surrender to emotionality and the desire to maintain emotional stability. 
Oscar Anton succeeds in capturing this perfect sadness in notes and presenting it in his new song ‘Brown Eyes’.

NenesButler - Indie Music Blog

Video of the WEEK! JBNG - "Disconnection" Official Music Video

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