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NB - INDIE TOP 20 - 8.Mar.25

NenesButler Indie Top 20 1 When the Light Falls and the Bear Sleeps Emaline Delapaix 2 The Albatross Song (Mellow Like) E.G. Phillips 3 Ipanema Rendezvous Luke Tangerine, Kate Pending 4 Out Of Time Cadenti 5 Brown Eyes Oscar Anton 6 Paper Boat Klinsmann 7 Echoes of Yesterday Andy Korg 8 Alone John Consalvo 9 Zu Hause TEYNA, The decaffeinated Sloth 10 National Hero Televised Mind 11  Inflatable e-Doll - Part One Carlos Ucedda 12  Take Me Home Eva Hillered 13  Hidden Talents Neon Radiation 14  Die Alive Shakkalo 15  I Wish Humans Were Made in a Factory... Zachary Mason 16  Day Old Thoughts Arny Margret 17  Walls - Radio Edit Frank Joshua 18  blood & lilac Adeline V. Lopez 19  KaDeWe LINA RE$A 20 Retrospace - Rogue FX Remix Bending Grid, Jolie, Rogue FX
New Wave
Synth Pop

FiloFX Records - 28th February ("Moonlight Slide ft. Mia G" by ARPRAXIS)

FiloFX Records a small independent label based in North East England that specialises in synthpop electropop & retrowave /synthwave but also embraces various dance genres such as house, disco & trance. Current artists on the labels rosta are Rogue FX, Hollywood Brown, MNTL, Andrew Corbin, Silvr Sage, MCL and ARPRAXIS. (- Andrew Wood-)

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"Moonlight Slide ft. Mia G" by ARPRAXIS 

Released 28th February on FiloFX Records, the new single from London house/ techno producer ARPRAXIS is "Moonlight Slide" which is a retro fused floor filler with cool jazzy house chords as the backdrop to the soulful vocals of new vocalist on the London house scene - Mia G. Dropping 28th Feb, "Moonlight slide" is available on Bandcamp and streaming platforms

"Moonlight Slide ft. Mia G" by ARPRAXIS [DE]

ARPRAXIS holt Mia G ins Boot und gleitet in die 90er Jahre, um dort alles zu verinnerlichen, was damals einen guten House-Track ausmachte. Das Ergebnis - eine elegante Percussion-Linie trifft auf das Piano, das sich dem Schlagzeug unterordnet und maßgeblich zum Rhythmus beiträgt. 
Die Vocals von Mia G sind das i-Tüpfelchen und runden den Track ab, zusammen mit vielen kleinen, aber feinen Gimmicks, die typisch für diese Ära sind. Dieser Track begeistert und groovt ungemein. Fügt 'Moonlight Slide (ft. Mia G)' von ARPRAXIS noch heute zu eurer Playlist hinzu!

FiloFX Records

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(c) by Andrew Wood & Wolfgang Egger

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