
Showing posts with the label Ambient

Passion through Music: “Short time my Love” by Carlos Ucedda

Zander Xymox’s "Obsoulete": A Dark Soundtrack for the Modern Age!

A Dark Ambient Musician Who Illuminates the Night: Noctem Vulpes (Latest Album: "")

A Poetic and Philosophical Spectacle of the Cosmic Connection: “Here We Are Sidereal” by Thy Veils

The Art of Soundscaping with Jon DeRosa: “Morning Chorus” by Aarktica

A Song about Loneliness in the Crowd: “who is the moon (feat. Mariel Zambellis)” by Phyne

#ExperimentalElectronic: "MachineRoom" by Javier Torrealba

A great piece of experimental Folktronica: "Counting backwards" by Tony Volker

Imagining the story ... "Pacific Division" by Ordinary // Colours

"Home" by SEAFEI

"Late Night Jazz radio" by Chósta

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist