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Showing posts with the label new wave


Harmony of Hearts: “Love and Lost” by Cloe Givelin

“Love and Lost” by Cloe Givelin Cloe Givelin is a singer of extraordinary talent, whose musical creations serve as a beacon of hope in a divided world, distinguished by a lifelong devotion to the arts. Her compositions, characterized by compelling melodies and profound lyrics, reflect her genuine personality, whether in tender ballads or rousing rock anthems.  As a songwriter, she draws from the well of her personal life story to weave narratives of love, loss, and hope that offer listeners an unobstructed view into the depths of her soul. It was inevitable that we would stumble upon one of her outstanding songs. “Love and Lost” is a lyrical contemplation of the ambivalent nature of love, which, despite its transience, is considered valuable. This song conveys the realization that experiencing love and its loss is preferable to a life without ever having felt love. Cloe would choose love again, despite the predestined heartache, highlighting both the invincibility of love and the pr

Neil Armstrong’s ‘In the Borderlands’: A Nostalgic Journey Through Love and Loss

‘At the Bottom’: Carlos Ucedda’s Important Message Wrapped in Retro Vibes!

A Guitar-Infused Journey Through Neon Nights: “Nervous Tendencies” by Violetta

Take Off your Rose-Tinted Glasses: “Nie wieder blind vor Liebe” by PAULINKO

‘Digital Sin’ & ‘Abandoned Cyberworld’: Two Brilliant Tracks by Luke Tangerine

Menthüll: The Canadian duo that enriches the dark & cold wave scene!

Eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt durch Indie-Rock, Pop und Folk: Das Debütalbum „Kann ja alles sein“ by Braake

Solitude Sometimes Is: "Float" - A Diverse and Emotional Debut Album

A Song about Loneliness in the Crowd: “who is the moon (feat. Mariel Zambellis)” by Phyne

Solitude Sometimes Is debuts with a garage-punk blast and a brassy twist on “You Left Early”

A gritty and futuristic fusion of post punk and electronic: “Desert Heart” by Jasmin OMEARA

The existential crisis of love and identity in a digital age: “Hologram Hearts” by Sadkin

The aspects of a financial metropolis: "White Collar" by Vikowski

Amateur Ornithologist - "I Told A Lie" or the Art of New Wave-tinged Pop Music

Artists of the Week! - The Playlist